Demands for national-level policy monitoring and evaluation, with an emphasis on data-driven policy implementation, are growing on both a national and international level. It is essential to assess and create sub-special education indicators as well as a national special education indicator system that is related to national special education policy goals. This study aimed to develop a model of a national special education indicator system for monitoring and implementing special education policy at the national level. Indicators from national and international education, special education, and disability systems, indicator systems, statistics, and surveys were examined after conducting a study of the literature. Based on the findings, a ‘input, process, and output’ system model was constructed, and the model’s sub-domains and indicators were derived. The model was then validated using two Delphi surveys. The model of the National special education indicator system ultimately included nine indicators in three sub-domains, including “human resources for special education,” “environmental support for special education,” and “financial support for special education,” as well as four indicators in two other sub-domains, including “support for teaching and learning and related services,” and “relationships between members,” and six indicators in three sub-domains, including “special education guarantee,” ‘special education performance’, and ‘special education satisfaction’. Recommendations and implications of the findings, and directions for further research were discussed.
Key Words
국가특수교육지표, 특수교육지표체계, 특수교육체제 모니터링, 특수교육통계, National Special Education Indicators, Special Education Statistics, A Model of National Special Education Indicator System
국내 실험연구 중 단일대상연구 문헌고찰 및 행동기능 패턴 분석 A Study on the Literature of Single-Case Design among Domestic Experimental Research and Behavioral Functional Pattern Analysis
윤주연 Ju-yeon Yun , 지푸름 Pu-reum Ji , 이혜주 Hye-ju Lee , 김혜안 Hye-an Kim , 박정효 Jeong-hyo Park
국내 실험연구 중 단일대상연구 문헌고찰 및 행동기능 패턴 분석 A Study on the Literature of Single-Case Design among Domestic Experimental Research and Behavioral Functional Pattern Analysis
윤주연 Ju-yeon Yun , 지푸름 Pu-reum Ji , 이혜주 Hye-ju Lee , 김혜안 Hye-an Kim , 박정효 Jeong-hyo Park
This study conducted a systematic literature review of single-case design (multiple baseline design) papers in the domestic context from 2012 to 2022. The purpose was to identify the general characteristics of positive behavior support (PBS) and patterns in behavior functions. The literature selection was carried out using PICOTS-SD criteria, resulting in the analysis of a total of 81 papers. Firstly, research on positive behavior support (PBS) saw a significant increase starting from 2018. These studies primarily focused on understanding behavior change in individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. Furthermore, these studies predominantly employed a multiple baseline design, conducted in school settings, with an emphasis on positive behavior support in schools over home settings. Secondly, in evaluating the functions of challenging behaviors, the most commonly used assessment tool was the Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS), an indirect assessment measure. Direct assessment tools, such as ABC observation records, were also frequently used. Regarding the functions of behavior, single functions were most prevalent, with avoidance being the most common. In the case of complex functions, the order of prevalence was interest and avoidance, followed by avoidance and acquisition. Thirdly, based on the analyzed functions of behavior, cross-analyses were conducted by disability type and dependent variables. Results indicated that intellectual disabilities were primarily associated with single functions, with interest function being the most prevalent. In contrast, autism spectrum disorders showed a higher prevalence of two or more complex functions.
Key Words
체계적 문헌고찰, 개별차원 긍정적행동지원, PBS, 행동 기능, Systematic Literature Review, Positive Behavior Support, Behavior Functions
바인랜드 적응행동척도 3판 표준화 예비연구: 보호자평정형의 신뢰도와 타당도 A Preliminary Study for the Standardization of the Korean Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Third Edition(K-Vineland-3): Reliability and Validity of Parent-Caregiver Form
하가희 Ga-hee Ha , 박우람 Woo-ram Park , 홍상황 Sang-hwang Hong
바인랜드 적응행동척도 3판 표준화 예비연구: 보호자평정형의 신뢰도와 타당도 A Preliminary Study for the Standardization of the Korean Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Third Edition(K-Vineland-3): Reliability and Validity of Parent-Caregiver Form
하가희 Ga-hee Ha , 박우람 Woo-ram Park , 홍상황 Sang-hwang Hong
This study is a preliminary investigation aimed at examining the reliability and validity of the Parent-Caregiver Form of the Korean Vineland Behavior Scales-Third Edition (K-Vineland-3). Data was collected by administering the Parent-Caregiver Form to 159 parents or caregivers of children aged 3 to 12. The study examined the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and age-related changes in scale scores, as well as correlations with validity measures. The results are as follows: First, the internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) of the main domains, subdomains, and maladaptive behaviors ranged from .93 to .99 (median = .97) and from .79 to .88 (median = .82), respectively. The test-retest reliabilities of the adaptive behavior domains and subdomains ranged from .86 to .99 (median = .96), while the maladaptive behavior domain ranged from .71 to .90 (median = .74). Second, comparing the agreement among the Parent-Caregiver Form, Teacher’s Form, and Interview Form, significant score differences were found in all domains except for the maladaptive behavior domain. Third, when comparing scores between the general population and special education population, the special education group showed significantly lower scores in the communication and socialization domains and their corresponding subdomains compared to the general population. However, scores in the maladaptive behavior domain and its subdomains were significantly higher in the special education group. Fourth, scores in the four main domains increased with age. Fifth, correlations with other measures assessing related constructs were examined. Overall, there were positive correlations with measures assessing similar constructs and negative correlations with measures assessing opposing constructs. Specifically, scores in the adaptive behavior domains, including the motor skills domain, of K-Vineland-3 showed positive correlations ranging from .47 to .94 (median = .80) with the overall developmental scores of the K-CDI, and negative correlations ranging from -.54 to -.72 (median = -.55) with the overall developmental scores of the K-CDI in the maladaptive behavior domain. This study has significance as a preliminary investigation for the standardization of the Parent-Caregiver Form of K-Vineland-3, providing basic information on its reliability, validity, age-related score changes, and comparisons with special populations. Limitations and implications of this study are described, and suggestions for further research are provided.
발달장애 아동과 학부모, 교사가 협력하는 초등학교 적응 지원 프로그램에 관한 실행연구 An Action Research On The Elementary School Adaptation Support Program In Which Children With Developmental Disabilities, Parents, And Teachers Collaborate
발달장애 아동과 학부모, 교사가 협력하는 초등학교 적응 지원 프로그램에 관한 실행연구 An Action Research On The Elementary School Adaptation Support Program In Which Children With Developmental Disabilities, Parents, And Teachers Collaborate
This study is an action research that conducted an elementary school adaptation support program in which children with developmental disabilities, parents, and teachers collaborated, and examined the changes in the participants. The participants were three children with developmental disabilities who entered the same elementary school in 2023, their parents, kindergarten or daycare center teachers, elementary school special class teacher, and elementary school general class teachers. The elementary school adaptation support program consisted of ‘Elementary School Adaptation Support Activities’ for children and the ‘Elementary School Adaptation Support Council’ for adults. In this study, qualitative data were collected through participatory observation, interviews, and data review to find out the changes in the participants, and quantitative changes were investigated through descriptive statistical analysis of pre- and post-scores of school readiness, parenting efficacy, and teacher efficacy. As a result of study, positive qualitative changes were found in all children with developmental disabilities, parents, and teachers. In addition, as a result of measuring school readiness, parenting efficacy, and teacher efficacy before and after participation in the program, the score improved. This study is meaningful in that the teachers of the school where children with developmental disabilities will live in elementary school directly supported the children, that the key people surrounding the children collaborated to support the children’s adaptation to elementary school, that they provided a model for a cooperative elementary school adaptation support program that could be used in the field, and that they supported the adaptation of children with developmental disabilities to elementary school during the period from before entering elementary school to after entering elementary school, beyond one-time support.
Key Words
발달장애, 협력, 초등학교 적응 지원, 전환, 실행연구 Developmental Disability, Cooperation, Elementary School Adaptation Support Program, Transition, Action Research
발달장애 아동 및 학생의 책읽기 중재 분석 Analysis of Book-Reading Interventions for Children and Students with Developmental Disabilities
The purpose of this study was to examine the research trends related to book-reading interventions for developmental disabilities. We also analyzed the characteristics of book-reading interventions and their effects based on intervention types. A total of 20 studies were selected based on the criteria for literature selection, and content analysis was conducted. The results on the overall research trends revealed that studies has been consistently conducted from 2002 to the present. Among these, 17 studies employed single-subject designs while three studies utilized quasi-experimental designs. The subjects’ age and grade exhibited a wide range, spanning from 47 months to the third grade of high school. Dependent variables were categorized into phonemic awareness, word recognition, vocabulary, fluency, story recall and composition, reading comprehension, and others, and the majority of dependent measures were developed by the researchers. Second, the analysis of intervention characteristics indicated that majority of book-reading interventions employed specific strategies, and the frequently used reading methods were teacher-led reading and multiple strategic reading. Intervention types used in most studies were explicit and implicit approaches. Additionally, books used for interventions were predominantly adapted picture storybooks with adjusted difficulty levels tailoring to the characteristics of students with developmental disabilities. Third, the analysis of effects based on intervention types showed that explicit approaches had higher effects on phonemic awareness, word recognition, vocabulary, fluency, and story recall and composition. Reading comprehension showed varied effect sizes, emphasizing the importance of the instructional strategies more than the intervention approach. Meanwhile, book-reading interventions were effective in improving spelling knowledge, academic attitudes, social behavior, and self-esteem regardless of the intervention approach. In conclusion, book-reading interventions were applied across a range of areas, including academic performance and attitudes. Overall, those interventions have proven effective regardless of the specific dependent variables.
The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of the quality of developmental rehabilitation services on the satisfaction of guardians subject to use. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, 191 copies were analyzed in which guardians of children with disabilities from nine developmental rehabilitation service providers in City D responded to a survey through Naver Office. The questionnaire through Naver Office used in this study consists of the respondents’ demographic background, developmental rehabilitation service quality scale questions, which are self-developed tools by the Daegu Community Service Support Group, and guardian satisfaction scale questions. For data analysis, technical statistics and correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were conducted on developmental rehabilitation service quality recognition and user satisfaction. Looking at the results of this study, first, it was found that guardians subject to the use of developmental rehabilitation services rated the quality of developmental rehabilitation services very highly. Second, it was found that the user satisfaction of the guardians subject to the use of developmental rehabilitation services was very high. Third, it was found that the quality of developmental rehabilitation services affects the satisfaction of the caregiver to be used. According to the results of the study, discussions were presented to improve the satisfaction of caregivers who use developmental rehabilitation services.
Key Words
발달재활서비스, 발달재활서비스 품질, 이용자 만족도, Developmental Rehabilitation Service, Quality of Developmental Rehabilitation Service, User Satisfaction
발달장애인을 위한 읽기 쉬운 자료의 특성 분석 A Study on the Characteristic of Easy-to-Read Material for People with Developmental Disabilities
The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of easy-to-read materials for people with developmental disabilities. To this end, 98 easy-to-read materials published for people with developmental disabilities in Korea from 2013 to 2021 were analyzed through the criteria for analyzing easy-to-read materials reconstructed into 3 areas, 21 sub-factors, and 98 questions. According to the research problem, general characteristics were first checked, and the satisfaction of criteria by area, sub-factor, and question according to the criteria for easy-to-read materials analysis was checked. Cross-analysis was conducted to find out the differences according to the type of publishing agency, participation of the parties, and subject variables in the satisfaction of criteria by area, sub-factors, and questions. As a result of the study, the characteristics of easy-to-read materials actually published for people with developmental disabilities in Korea differed from the guidelines for publishing easy-to-read materials proposed in previous studies. Depending on the issuing institution, materials from private institutions, participation materials from parties depending on whether or not the parties participate, and supplementary materials for basic literacy and academic background meet the analysis criteria higher. These research results are meaningful in that they presented basic materials to suggest future considerations and improvement measures for easy-to-read data development by examining to what extent domestic easy-to-read materials meets the main guidelines for easy-to-read materials production reported in previous studies.
Key Words
발달장애인, 읽기 쉬운 자료, 정보 접근권, Easy-to-Read Materials, People with Developmental Disabilities, The Right to Access Information
성인전환기 발달장애 자녀를 둔 어머니의 자녀 자립의 의미 Meaning of Child’s Independent Living of Mothers with Transition to Adulthood for Adults Children with Developmental Disabilities
성인전환기 발달장애 자녀를 둔 어머니의 자녀 자립의 의미 Meaning of Child’s Independent Living of Mothers with Transition to Adulthood for Adults Children with Developmental Disabilities
Using phenomenological research method, this study explores the meaning of independent living of mothers who have adolescents with developmental disabilities during the adult transition period in order to examine the social work implications for individuals with developmental disabilities and their primary caregivers. For the purpose of this study, the study conducted face-to-face or one-on-one on-line interviews with 10 mothers who have lived with and taken care of their developmental disability children aged between 18 and 24. The findings of the study are as follows: Mothers of adolescents with developmental disabilities attribute the meaning of their children’s independence to “living in the community as a person, enjoying their rights and freedoms, despite facing numerous practical limitations.” Furthermore, these mothers understand the meaning of their children’s independence as “relative independence” based on the support of a facilitator who can lead their children within the local community, understanding their children with a warm perspective, and providing an environment and system that can accommodate them, rather than striving for an economically and emotionally independent life separate from their role as parents. Based on these findings, the study discusses the practical and policy implications of social welfare for the independence of children with developmental disabilities and their caregivers.
Key Words
성인전환기, 발달장애, 발달장애인의 어머니, 자립, Giorgi 현상학 연구 Transition to Adulthood, Developmental Disability, Mother of a Person with a Developmental Disability, Independent Living, Giorgi’s Phenomenologica Reseach
성인 초기 발달장애인의 자기 표현력 향상과 공격적 행동 감소를 위한 미술치료 사례연구 Improving the Self-Expression of People with Early Adult Developmental Disabilities and A Case Study of Art Therapy for Reducing Aggressive Behavior
성인 초기 발달장애인의 자기 표현력 향상과 공격적 행동 감소를 위한 미술치료 사례연구 Improving the Self-Expression of People with Early Adult Developmental Disabilities and A Case Study of Art Therapy for Reducing Aggressive Behavior
The purpose of this study was to investigate how art therapy performed on adults with early developmental disabilities with aggressive behavior had an effect on improving self-expression and reducing aggressive behavior. The subject of the study was a 2 6-year-old adult with early developmental disabilities who was diagnosed with intellectual disability level 3, and from March 11 to August 30, 2022, a total of 20 sessions of art therapy were conducted for 60 minutes once a week. The research tools were a self-expression improvement checklist, the KFD dynamic familization test, and interviews with the mothers of the participants about the pre- and post-behavior changes, and the results of the study were as follows. First, the art therapy program improved the self-expression of adults with early development disabilities who exhibit aggressive behavior by allowing them to express their anger and negative emotions through drawings and stories about their entrenched state of mind. Second, art activities using art media were found to alleviate aggressive symptoms in early-adult developmentally disabled people and provide psychological stability. Third, art therapy programs to improve self-expression were found to help restore family relationships by allowing early-adult developmentally disabled people to naturally express their minds. As a result, this study shows that art therapy had a positive effect on alleviating aggressive behavior by helping people with early development disabilities express their aggressive tendencies to their families by helping them express their emotions and express themselves. Therefore, based on this study, we hope that the development of various art therapy programs according to the symptoms of each type of early adult developmentally disabled people will be further promoted in the future.
Key Words
발달장애, 성인 초기 발달장애인, 자기표현, 공격적 행동, 미술치료, Developmental Disabilities, Early Adult Developmental Disabilities, Self-Expression, Aggressive Behavior, Art Therapy
A study on Education Provision Environment for Students with Disabilities Attending Secondary School in Kampala, Uganda 우간다 캄팔라의 중등학교에 다니는 장애 학생을 위한 교육 제공 환경에 관한 연구
A study on Education Provision Environment for Students with Disabilities Attending Secondary School in Kampala, Uganda 우간다 캄팔라의 중등학교에 다니는 장애 학생을 위한 교육 제공 환경에 관한 연구
The study examined the Education Provision Environment For Students With Disabilities Attending Secondary Schools in Kampala, Uganda and guided with other specific objectives like to better understand the special education related legislation and education policies of education provision for students with disabilities, to investigate the study environment of education provision for students with disabilities in secondary schools in Kampala district, Uganda and To find out the kind of education received by students with disabilities in secondary schools in Kampala district. The research participants for this purpose were 10 teachers, education experts, and 6 administrators working in the Kampala region of Uganda. The data collection for the study in-depth interviewing and analyzed using the constant comparative qualitative research method. Results were derived into 3 main topics as, (1) Education legislation (2) study environment (3) Education. 9 sub topics and 21 core ideas extracted from 162 statements. The study sample size was 16participants, 10 teachers (6female & 4male) and 6 Education officers/experts (4 female & 2 male) both purposive and random samples were employed. The study discovered that education provision for SWDs in secondary schools of Kampala and the country at large still faces barriers like Education laws and policies are not well implemented, insufficient trained SNE staff (teachers & professional specialists like counselors, therapists, psychologists, doctors, sign language interpreters and others), un friendly study environment, un suitable education for SWDs, inappropriate curriculum and among others. To overcome the constraints, an extra effort is needed in policies implementation, training teachers, create conducive study environment, emulate other country’s education systems like South Korea. The study concluded that there is need for educational reforms in the secondary school curriculum, SNE teacher training and type of education for SWDs at secondary level.
Key Words
Secondary School, Students with Disabilities, Education Laws & Policies, Education Environment, Type of Education, 중등학교, 장애 학생, 교육 법령 및 정책, 교육 환경, 교육 유형
예비특수교사 대상 교육실습 관련 한국과 미국의 연구 동향 분석 An Analysis of Research Trends related to Practicum for Pre-Service Special Education Teachers in South Korea and the United States
예비특수교사 대상 교육실습 관련 한국과 미국의 연구 동향 분석 An Analysis of Research Trends related to Practicum for Pre-Service Special Education Teachers in South Korea and the United States
Practicum is an area that is directly related to the production of professional special education teachers. However, a range of limitations of the current educational practicum system have been continuously mentioned, and it is necessary to review the development direction of the domestic education practicum system in line with the introduction of the practicum semester system. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the current status of practicum and to provide basic data for development direction by comparing and analyzing studies of practicum for pre-service special education teachers from 2012 to 2022 in South Korea and the United States. To this end, a total of 34 studies (16 Korean studies, 18 American studies) related to pre-service special education teachers practicum based on the inclusion criteria were analyzed by detailed topics such as publication year, research method, research subject, and research topic. As a result, qualitative research and survey research that analyze practicum experiences in both countries were the main focus. Unlike South Korea, in the United States, a variety of research subjects were included and research on feedback and supervision during practicum was mainly examined. Based on the analysis results, implications for future practices were suggested.
Key Words
예비특수교사, 교육실습, 교생실습, 실습학기제, Pre-Service Special Education ATeachers, Practicum, Field Experience, Practicum Semester Policy
예비특수교사의 학교현장실습 연구 동향: 문헌분석과 키워드네트워크분석을 중심으로 Research Trends of Pre-Service Special Education Teacher Practicum Using L iterature Review and Keyword Network Analysis
예비특수교사의 학교현장실습 연구 동향: 문헌분석과 키워드네트워크분석을 중심으로 Research Trends of Pre-Service Special Education Teacher Practicum Using L iterature Review and Keyword Network Analysis
This study was conducted to examine the trends of teacher practicum-related research conducted on pre-service special education teachers. The purpose of this study was to identify the current status of research on teacher practice in the field of special education in Korea, to identify what is perceived as important, and to suggest directions for future research on teacher practice. For this purpose, we analyzed the research onteacher practice conducted in Korea for the last 1 9 y ears from 2004 to 2022. We examined the research trends by research object, research method, and research topic through literature analysis and explored the results of keyword network analysis of these studies. The results are as follows. The most participants of research were 4th grade pre-service special education teachers who experienced practicum. In addition, the most research were qualitative research methods, and the main research topics were the pre-service special education teacher’s experience and recognition for the practicum. The most keyword is the pre-service special education teacher and Teacher practicum, and TF-IDF weight analysis results also showed similar results. However, in the analysis of degree centrality, special school and special education teachers showed high degree centrality. Based on theses results, the direction of pre-service special education teacher practicum researches was suggested.
Key Words
학교현장실습, 연구동향, 문헌분석, 키워드 네트워크 분석, Teacher Practicum, Research Trend, Literature Review, Keyword Network Analysis
우리나라 특수교육보조원제도에 대한 인식과 요구: 특수교육실무원을 중심으로 Awareness and Demands for Korea’s Special Education Assistant System: Focusing on Special Education Assistants
우리나라 특수교육보조원제도에 대한 인식과 요구: 특수교육실무원을 중심으로 Awareness and Demands for Korea’s Special Education Assistant System: Focusing on Special Education Assistants
This study investigated the perceptions and needs of special education assistants through their experiences performing their roles. The subjects of the study were seven elementary school special education assistants in Busan, Gyeongnam, and Gyeongbuk regions, and in-depth interviews were conducted. According to the analysis of the research results, a total of 2 major themes, 6 categories, and 16 subcategories were derived. The main research results are as follows. First, efforts and measures must be taken to form personal relationships such as basic mutual understanding, cooperation, and respect between special education assistants and teachers. Second, specific guidelines should be devised as soon as possible regarding the content and scope of special education assistants’ duties to minimize role conflict and confusion between special class and inclusive class teachers and to establish the identity of special education assistants. Third, a practical and effective job training program for special education assistants is required.
Key Words
특수교육보조원제, 특수교육실무원, 통합교육, 장애 학생, Special Education Assistant System, Special Education Assistants, Inclusive Education, Students with Disabilities
UN의 『인권 지표: 개발 및 실행 가이드』에 따른 장애인 인권 지표 고찰 Review on Human Rights Indicators for Persons with Disabilities According to UN’s 『Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation』
UN의 『인권 지표: 개발 및 실행 가이드』에 따른 장애인 인권 지표 고찰 Review on Human Rights Indicators for Persons with Disabilities According to UN’s 『Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation』
This study aims to review the human rights indicators for persons with disabilities according to the UN’s 『Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation』 and to provide the implications for the development and application of human rights for persons with disabilities. This study reviewed prior research on the human rights for persons with disabilities in six aspects: the categories of indicators, the conceptual framework of human rights indicators, the identification of attributes for the human rights, the selection of the human rights indicators, the evaluation of the human rights indicators, and the monitoring system for human rights indicators. To develop and apply the human rights indicators for persons with disabilities, this study recommended the necessity of developing human rights indicators for persons with disabilities according to the UN’s 『Human Rights Indicators: a Guide to Measurement and Implementation』, designating the national management agency and assigning responsibilities for the human rights indicators for persons with disabilities, the active participation of stakeholders such as persons with disabilities in the development of human rights indicators for persons with disabilities, and the prevention of human rights violations in the process of investigating the human rights indicators for persons with disabilities.
Key Words
인권, 장애인 인권, 지표, Human Rights, Human Rights with Persons with Disabilities, Indicators
장애인 평생교육 관련 질적연구 동향 분석 An Analysis of Trends in Qualitative Research Related to Lifelong Education for People with Disabilities
This study analyzes the contents of 62 qualitative studies among lifelong education studies for the people with disabilities published from 2013 to 2022. Looking at the research results, first, the publication of qualitative research papers related to lifelong education for the people with disabilities was the most in 2020, and there has been a quantitative increase since 2018. By field of academic journals, the field of special education had the most, and the number of paper authors was the most with two. Second, the purpose of qualitative research was diversified, and the most common research type was focus group interview (FGI). Third, although the subjects and number of subjects in qualitative research were diverse, purposive sampling was the most common method for selecting subjects. Fourth, most of the data collection methods of qualitative research were focus group interviews (FGI) and individual in-depth interviews, and the data collection period was short, less than one month, and the interview time was not presented in many cases. Fifth, the compliance with research ethics was very low in qualitative research, so only one paper was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and 61.3% of the papers obtained consent to participate in the research. Sixth, in qualitative research, data analysis was conducted through constant comparison method, and triangulation, peer debriefing, and member’s checking were found to be low in research validity. Based on the above research results, we discussed and suggested ways to improve qualitative research related to lifelong education for the people with disabilities.
Key Words
장애인, 평생교육, 질적연구, 동향 분석, People with Disabilities, Lifelong Education, Qualitative Research, Analysis of Research Trends
장애학생의 메타버스 활용교육에 대한 특수교사 인식 The Perception of Special Education Teachers on the Use of the Metaverse in Education for Students with Disabilities
This study aims to investigate the perceptions and needs of special education teachers regarding the educational use of the metaverse for students with disabilities, in order to promote its use in the field of special education. A survey tool was developed based on literature and previous studies, and an online survey was conducted with 149 special education teachers. The responses were analyzed using frequency analysis and cross-tabulation. The results of this study are as follows: First, special education teachers generally had a high level of awareness about the educational use of the metaverse for students with disabilities. However, their awareness was low regarding the development and distribution of metaverse-related resources, teacher training, and other support in the field of special education. Second, ‘Software Education and Coding’ was the most common subject(‘learning topic’) for the use of the metaverse, and ‘Augmented Reality’ was the most frequently used method. The primary purpose of using the metaverse was ‘to stimulate learning interest’, and the respondents showed a positive perception of the educational effectiveness and necessity of the metaverse. Third, the most needed strategies for metaverse-based education were the ‘development of a metaverse platform for students with disabilities’ and the ‘establishment of immersive content experience classrooms’. Additionally, the most needed competence for special education teachers for metaverse-based education was the ‘ability to utilize the metaverse platform’, and for students with disabilities, it was the ‘ability to participate and persist in learning’. Lastly, the study provided suggestions based on the perceptions and needs of special education teachers to enhance the use of the metaverse in education for students with disabilities.
Key Words
장애학생, 메타버스, 메타버스 활용교육, 특수교사, Students with Disabilities, Metaverse, Metaverse in Education, Special Education Teacher
전환기 발달장애인의 미래준비 지원 부모교육에 참여한 부모의 인식 및 지원요구 고찰 Perceptions and Support Needs of Parents Who Participated in Parent Education on Future Preparation Support for Transition-Aged Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
전환기 발달장애인의 미래준비 지원 부모교육에 참여한 부모의 인식 및 지원요구 고찰 Perceptions and Support Needs of Parents Who Participated in Parent Education on Future Preparation Support for Transition-Aged Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
This study was to explore the experiences of fathers and mothers who participated in parent education on future preparation support for transition-aged individuals with developmental disabilities and outcomes of the parent education. In-depth interviews were conducted with a total of eight parents, including three parents and two mothers. Qualitative analysis revealed 4 themes including uncertainness of future preparation, the change started from parent education, support needs for better parent education, and support needs for future preparation of individuals with developmental disabilities, and the 15 subthemes. The parents who participated in parent education experienced their positive change on the attitude and recognized their new roles. In addition, they required a different type of services and system improvements. This study provided preliminary information necessary to support parents to be more prepared for the future of individuals with developmental disabilities.
A recent interesting study suggests a strong and effective correlation between ADHD and antisocial-behavior including aggression. In order to figure out the attention modulation difference between the anti-social youth group and general adolescents of the same age, the present study has carried out a stroop task, which is known to promote attention and cause interference, using a functional magnetic resonance imaging technique. The results showed that, similar to previous studies, brain regions that are activated when performing the stroop task could be observed. In the Volume Of Interest (VOI) analysis a significant reduced neural activation in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) by anti-social adolescent compared to normal. Activation of the ACC is known to be involved in attention control. Based on this, this study suggests that the lack of attention of antisocial adolescents also could affect behavioral patterns. This could help to develop specific education program for them.
초등 통합학급에 재학 중인 장애학생의 학교생활적응을 위한 관련변인 연구: 개인적, 심리적, 환경적 변인 중심으로 The Effect of Related Variables on the Adaptation to School Life of Students with Disabilities in the Elementary School Integrated Classes: Focusing on the Personal, Psychological, Environmental Variables
초등 통합학급에 재학 중인 장애학생의 학교생활적응을 위한 관련변인 연구: 개인적, 심리적, 환경적 변인 중심으로 The Effect of Related Variables on the Adaptation to School Life of Students with Disabilities in the Elementary School Integrated Classes: Focusing on the Personal, Psychological, Environmental Variables
The purpose of this study is to confirm the influence of related variables on the school life adjustment of students with disabilities in an elementary integrated class. To this end, the SPSS 25 statistical program was used to confirm the influence of related variables on school life adjustment for 192 students with disabilities attending elementary inclusive classes who responded in the second data of the Disability and Life Dynamics Panel. Correlation, hierarchical regression analysis, and between-group t-test were performed using this data. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the correlation between adaptation to school life and related variables, it was found that psychological variables (disability acceptance, self-esteem, depression) and environmental variables (family health, life satisfaction, and school violence) had a significant correlation. Second, as a result of hierarchical regression analysis to find out the relative influence of related variables on adaptation to school life, family health was found to have the greatest influence on adaptation to school life. Third, as a result of conducting t-test to find out the difference in average between groups (gender, grade, degree of disability) of adaptation to school life, there was no significant difference in adaptation to school life between all groups. This study is judged to be able to be used as basic data for successful integrated education in the future by analyzing and verifying the influence of related variables on school life adaptation of elementary school disabled students.
Key Words
초등 통합학급, 장애학생, 학교생활적응, Elementary School Integrated Classes, Students with Disabilities, Adaptation to School Life
한국판 바인랜드 적응행동척도 3판 교사평정형의 신뢰도와 타당도 Reliability and Validity of the Korean Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Third Edition (K-Vineland-3): Teacher Form
김지민 Ji-min¸ Kim , 박우람 Woo-ram¸ Park , 홍상황 Sang-hwang¸ Hong
The purpose of this study is to translate and validate the Teacher Form of Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Third Edition (Vineland-3), developed by Sparrow, Cicchetti, and Saulnier (2016), into Korean and to examine its reliability and validity of the scale. To achieve this goal, the original items of Vineland-3 were translated and back-translated, and preliminary research was conducted by collecting data from homeroom teachers of kindergarten and elementary school students aged 3 to 12 residing in Gyeongsangnam-do and Ulsan City. Subsequently, data on standardization of the Teacher Form of K-Vineland-3 were collected from kindergarten and elementary school students aged 3 to 12 nationwide. The results are as follows: First, the internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) of the Teacher Form of K-Vineland-3 ranged from .80 to .99(median .95) for all domains except for Personal (.74) and Gross Motor (.50) at age 7, and Gross Motor ( .76) a t age 9. All domains, including Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialization, and Motor Skills, had internal consistencies ranging from .80 to .99 (median .97). Second, the test-retest reliability was as follows: the four domains ranged from .91 to .94 (median .93), the ABC was .95, and the eleven subdomains ranged from .89 to .95 (median .92), Maladaptive Behavior ranging from .85 to .89 (median .87). Third, the interrater reliability showed overall significant differences between the Teacher Form and Parent/Caregiver Form, Teacher Form and Interview Form. Fourth, the raw scores of the eleven subdomains generally increased with age. Additionally, there was a higher correlation between subdomains within the same domain compared to those across different domains (ranging from .50 to .82), and the correlations between each subdomain and its corresponding domain were high, ranging from .79 to .94. Fifth, when comparing the special education group with the non-disabled group, significant differences were found in the scores of the four domains and eleven subdomains, with the non-disabled group scoring higher. Lastly, the domains of Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialization, Motor Skills, and Maladaptive Behavior showed static correlations with validity indicators that measure similar or related constructs and negative correlations with validity indicators that measure opposite constructs. This study is significant in terms of examining the reliability and validity of the teacher-administered adaptive behavior assessment for kindergarten and elementary school students. In subsequent study, it is necessary to expand the age range to include middle and high school students and to collect sufficient data on various special education groups.
Key Words
바인랜드 적응행동척도 3판, 교사평정형, 적응행동, K-Vineland-3, Adaptive Behavior, Teacher Form