경계선지능 청년의 직무역량 개발 프로그램 경험에 관한 연구 A Study of Experience of Young Adults with Borderline Intellectual Functioning in A Job Competency Development Program
김동일 Dong-il Kim , 김희은 Hee-eun Kim , 조은정 Eun-jung Jo
28(4) 1-19, 2024
김동일 Dong-il Kim , 김희은 Hee-eun Kim , 조은정 Eun-jung Jo
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.1 Vol.28(No.4) 1-19, 2024
The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of a job competency development program for young adults with borderline intellectual functioning (BIF) and collect basic data for designing an effective job competency development program for them. The research method is to conduct 12 sessions of the job competency development program for 11 young people with BIF and examine pre-post changes in the participants. A checklist including pre-post tests and a semi-structured interview are conducted at the end of the program. Pre-post tests are analyzed u sing t-tests, and the interview contents are transcribed and cross-analyzed by the researchers and one professor to classify the contents. The results indicate that first, there is a statistically significant difference in the post-score compared to the pre-score, showing improvement, and also, there is statistically significant difference in ‘job preparation’ and ‘workplace adaptation’, showing improvements. Second, the results of the interview present that ‘workplace etiquette’, ‘neat appearance at work’, ‘receiving support fund’, ‘writing a self introduction’, and ‘preparing for a job interview’ are identified as important topics; ‘how to change other people’s thoughts’, ‘self-introduction’, and ‘let’s decide with this’ are identified as interesting topics; ‘receiving support fund’ and ‘how to change other people’s thoughts are identified as difficult topics; ‘role play’ and ‘go directly to job search site and participate in activities’ were identified as effective topics; ‘examples of a self introduction’, ‘presentation of actual examples and video materials’, ‘adding explanations of difficult words’, and ’consists of non replicable content’ are identified as improvement points; ‘the basic job competency’ and ‘learning relationship methods for work life’ are identified as learning for future; ‘self-awareness’, ‘money management ability’, ‘self-advocacy ability’, and ‘self-efficacy’ are identified as the contents of self-management. Based on the results, characteristics of the programs for the employment of BIF and directions for further research’s are discussed.
Key Words
경계선지능, 청년, 직무역량 개발 프로그램, 취업, 경험, Borderline Intellectual Functioning, Young Aadults, Job Competency Development Program, Employment, Experience
고용주의 장애인 고용인식과 장애인근로자 고용만족의 관계에서 장애인 고용이익 인식의 간접효과 Indrect Effect of Employment Benefits Recognition for the Disabled in Relationship between Recognition of Employment for and Satisfaction with the Disabled Workers
전리상 Lee-sang Chon , 조홍중 Hong-joong Cho
28(4) 21-34, 2024
전리상 Lee-sang Chon , 조홍중 Hong-joong Cho
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.2 Vol.28(No.4) 21-34, 2024
The purpose of this study is to analysis the indirect effect of employment benefits of the disabled on the relationship between the recognition with and the satisfaction with the disabled workers. For this purpose, previous studies were reviewed, and reliability analysis, factor analysis, and mediating analysis were conducted on the data of the KEAD EDI in 2023. The results of this study are as follows: First, there was a significant correlation between the perception of employment of the disabled, the degree of employment of the disabled, and the degree of satisfaction with disabled workers. Second, it was found that the degree of employment benefits for the disabled had a significant indirect effect between the perception of employment for the disabled and the satisfaction level of disabled workers. These results suggest several implications: First, the education for the improvement of disability awareness in the workplace needs to be changed and qualitatively improved. Second, the employer's social responsibility through the employment of the disabled should be improved and the environment for the employment satisfaction of the disabled should be prepared. Third, it should be dealt with importantly from the perspective of demanders in terms of policies that call for employment implementation.
Key Words
장애인근로자, 고용인식, 고용이익, 장애인근로자 만족, 간접효과, The Disabled Workers, Employment Recognition, Employment Benefit, The Satisfaction with Disabled Workers, Indirect Effect
국내 중도중복장애학생 교육에 관한 연구 동향 분석 Analysis of Research Trends on Education for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities in Korea
정희섭 Hee-sup Jung
28(4) 35-55, 2024
정희섭 Hee-sup Jung
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.3 Vol.28(No.4) 35-55, 2024
The purpose of this study was to examine research on education for students with severe and multiple disabilities published in domestic academic journals through content analysis and keyword network analysis methods. A total of 206 papers were selected based on the keywords "severe and multiple disabilities" from domestic academic journals. For content analysis, the papers related to education for severe and multiple disabilities were analyzed according to their research periods using an analytical framework focusing on themes and research methods. Additionally, for keyword network analysis, a total of 292 keywords were derived from the 206 papers, and frequency analysis and centrality analysis were conducted using the T EXTOM program and UCINET. The main analysis results can be summarized as follows: First, according to the content analysis, research on educational activities and support for students with severe and multiple disabilities has been continuously pursued over time, and there is a trend of expanding the subjects and themes based on the characteristics of disabilities and educational needs. Second, the network analysis revealed that the keywords with high frequency and centrality values included "severe and multiple disabilities," "educational activities," "curriculum," "subject education," "educational support," and "communication". These keywords not only showed high frequency but also high centrality in terms of connection, proximity, and mediation, indicating that they have become central themes in the research. Based on these results, it was suggested that further research should be conducted on the definition and scope of severe and multiple disabilities, the characteristics of disabilities, and the development of educational models and support guidelines tailored to different types of severe and multiple disabilities.
Key Words
중도ㆍ중복장애, 동향분석, 키워드 네트워크 분석, Severe and Multiple Disabilities, Research Trends, Keyword Network Analysis
놀이중심 장애이해교육이 유아의 장애인식과 장애유아와의 상호작용에 대한 인식에 미치는 영향 The Impact of Play-Centered Disability Awareness Education on Children's Awareness of Disabilities and Their Perceptions of Interactions with Children with Disabilities
박현옥 Hyeon-ok Park
28(4) 57-71, 2024
박현옥 Hyeon-ok Park
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.4 Vol.28(No.4) 57-71, 2024
The research aims to clarify the impact of play-centered disability awareness education on young children's understanding of disabilities and their perceptions of interactions with children with disabilities. The research question is as follows.: First, does play-centered disability awareness education affect young children's understanding of disabilities? Second, does play-centered disability awareness education influence young children's perceptions of interactions with children with disabilities? This study involved 30 children aged 4 years from two kindergartens located in G Metropolitan City (15 in the experimental group and 15 in the control group). The experimental group received an intervention based on a play-centered disability awareness education, while the control group did not receive any disability awareness education. To investigate the participants' awareness of disabilities and their perceptions of interactions with children with disabilities, pre-tests and post-tests were conducted using a questionnaire on disability awareness and a questionnaire on interactions with children with disabilities. Statistical trends were analyzed u sing SPSS WIN 25. 0. The results of the study are as follows: First, the p lay-centered disability awareness education had a positive effect on children's awareness of disabilities. Second, the play-centered disability awareness education had a positive effect on children's perceptions of interactions with children with disabilities.
Key Words
놀이, 장애이해교육, 장애 인식, 상호작용, Play, Disability Awareness Education, Awareness of Disability, Interaction
뇌병변장애 아동의 정서표현과 사회성에 대한 인지행동 미술치료 사례연구 A Case Study of Cognitive Behavioral Art Therapy for Emotion Expression and Sociality of Child with CVA Disabilities
이수명 Soo-myung Lee , 임지향 Ji-hynag Lim
28(4) 73-108, 2024
이수명 Soo-myung Lee , 임지향 Ji-hynag Lim
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.5 Vol.28(No.4) 73-108, 2024
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of cognitive behavioral art therapy for emotion expression and sociality of child with C VA disabilities. The subject of the study was a child with C VA disability from development center D in city A. Cognitive behavioral art therapy was conducted from July 13th, 2021 to December 3rd, 2021 with sessions taking place 2~3 times a week for 60 minutes in total of 46 sessions. As research tools, emotion expression scale and kinetic house-tree-person (K-HTP) were conducted for emotion expression, and sociality scale and kinetic school drawing were conducted for sociality. Also, qualitative analysis of behaviors and change processes of the subject’s emotion and sociality were conducted. The results of the research were as follows. Firstly, cognitive behavioral art therapy had positive effects on emotion expression of child with C VA disability. The overall scores of emotion expression and its subarea, which were feeling expressions, emotion suppression, in difference, all increased. Secondly, cognitive behavioral art therapy had positive effects on sociality of child with CVA disability. Thirdly, as a result of examining in session and phase the effects of cognitive behavioral art therapy on emotion expression and sociality of the subject, there were positive changes. In summary, this research suggest is that cognitive behavioral art therapy was effective in improving emotion expression and sociality of child with CVA disabilities. Also, it provided applicable and experiential research data for counseling field.
Key Words
뇌병변장애, 정서표현, 사회성, 인지행동, 미술치료, CVA Disabilities, Emotion Expression, Sociality, Cognitive Behavioral Art Therapy
느린학습자에 대한 인지학습치료사의 어려움인식과 느린학습자 지원방안 탐색 Cognitive Learning Therapists’ Recognition of Difficulties with Slow Learners and Exploration of Support Measures for Slow Learners
장세희 Se-hee Jang
28(4) 109-125, 2024
장세희 Se-hee Jang
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.6 Vol.28(No.4) 109-125, 2024
The purpose of this study is to explore cognitive learning therapist's awareness of the difficulties of slow learners and support measures to overcome the difficulties of slow learners. Through in-depth interviews with 11 cognitive learning therapists, recognition of the difficulties of slow learners and support measures were explored and analyzed using qualitative research methods. The results of the study were analyzed by dividing them into the cognitive learning therapist's perception of the difficulties of slow learners and support measures for the difficulties of slow learners. The cognitive learning therapist’s perception of the difficulties of slow learners was categorized as ‘difficulties due to the ambiguous characteristics of slow learners’, ‘difficulties for parents in recognizing slow learners’, and ‘difficulties due to lack of clear guidelines’. As support measures for slow learners, ‘family support for slow learners’, ‘therapeutic and educational support for slow learners’, and ‘social support for the coexistence of slow learners’ were proposed. We hope that through the implementation of support measures to resolve the difficulties of slow learners, positive impressions of slow learners will expand and a society of coexistence will be created.
Key Words
느린학습자, 인지학습, 인지학습치료사, Slow Learner, Cognitive Learning Therapy, Cognitive Learning Therapist
다차원 정책 분석 모형을 활용한 인공지능 관련 특수교육 정책 분석 An Analysis of AI-Related Special Education Policies Using Four-Dimensional Framework
이재욱 Jae-uk Lee , 박찬우 Chanwoo Park
28(4) 127-145, 2024
이재욱 Jae-uk Lee , 박찬우 Chanwoo Park
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.7 Vol.28(No.4) 127-145, 2024
The purpose of this study is to analyze AI-related special education policies. The 6th Special Education Development 5-Year Plan, 2023, and 2024 Special Education Operation Plans, which are AI-related special education policies, were analyzed in terms of normative, structural, constitutive, and technological dimensions using the Four-Dimensional Framework of Cooper et al. (2004). The results of the study were as follows. First, in terms of normative dimension, AI-related special education policies contained values such as ‘individual’, ‘personalized education’, ‘national responsibility’, ‘respect for all’, ‘diversity’, ‘creation of educational environment’, ‘future orientation’, ‘strengthening digital core capabilities’, and ‘experience of new technologies’. Second, in terms of structural dimension, AI-related special education policies were planned and implemented mainly by the Ministry of Education, government affiliated National Institute of Special Education, Korea Educational Development Institute, city and provincial offices of education, kindergartens, elementary, middle, and high schools, special schools, relevant organizations, and companies. Third, in terms of constitutive dimension, although stakeholder opinions were considered in policy formation, feedback collection was insufficient from students with disabilities, parents, and special education teachers; additionally, relevant research and user participation from students with disabilities and teachers were limited. Fourth, in terms of technical dimension, the key performance indicator for AI-related special education policies was limited to a single item: the number of special schools leading AI education. As the performance goals primarily focused on establishing a foundation for AI education and providing AI-related experiences, it was deemed necessary to diversify the performance indicators in the future. Based on these results, discussions and suggestions were made regarding AI-related special education policies.
Key Words
인공지능, AI, 특수교육, 교육 정책, 다차원 정책 분석, Artificial Intelligence, Special Education, Education Policies, Four-Dimensional Framework
발달장애 아동 부모 실행 중재에 관한 단일대상 연구 메타분석: 2010년 이후 연구를 중심으로 Parent-implemented Interventions for Children with Developmental Disabilities from 2010: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
이성은 Sungeun Lee , 이영지 Youngzie Lee
28(4) 147-163, 2024
이성은 Sungeun Lee , 이영지 Youngzie Lee
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.8 Vol.28(No.4) 147-163, 2024
This study synthesizes 33 single-subject studies of parent-implemented interventions for children with developmental disabilities. The most commonly used design was the multiple (probe) baseline across subjects. Most participants were preschool or elementary-aged children with autism spectrum disorder. The most commonly used independent variable was social interaction skills, while the dependent variable assessed social skills. Approximately 90% of the studies met quality criteria for both the independent and dependent variables; however, only 36.4% met the criteria for practical implementation of the independent variable. A total of 152 PNDs were calculated to assess intervention effects, yielding an overall average of 91.89, indicating a high level of effectiveness. The study discusses the characteristics and effectiveness of parent-implemented interventions, as well as directions for future research.
Key Words
부모중재, 발달장애, 메타분석, 단일대상연구, 효과크기, Parent-implemented Intervention, Developmental Disabilities, Meta-analysis, Single-case Experimental Research, Effect Size
발달장애 아동의 감각처리 양상에 대한 발달적 특성 연구 A Study on the Developmental Characteristics of Sensory Processing Patterns in Children with Developmental Disabilities
김미점 Mi-jeom Kim , 박재국 Jae-kook Park
28(4) 165-186, 2024
김미점 Mi-jeom Kim , 박재국 Jae-kook Park
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.9 Vol.28(No.4) 165-186, 2024
The purpose of this study was to investigate the developmental characteristics of sensory processing patterns in children with developmental disabilities. To this end, the study was conducted using the Child Sensory Profile 2 (CSP2) on 210 parents of children with developmental disabilities, and the collected data were statistically analyzed. The level of sensory processing patterns was analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-sample t-test, and the differences in sensory processing patterns according to gender, age, and degree of disability were analyzed using independent sample t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Scheffe post hoc test. The differences in sensory processing patterns by disability type were analyzed using basic statistics, Scheffe post hoc test, multivariate analysis (MANOVA), and the developmental characteristics of sensory processing patterns by disability type was analyzed using profile charts. The results of the study were as follows: First, the level of sensory processing patterns of children with developmental disabilities was found to be higher than their peers in all subareas of sensory processing patterns. Second, there was a significant difference in sensory processing patterns according to gender, age, and degree of disability. Third, there was a significant difference in the differences in sensory processing patterns by disability type. Fourth, there was a significant difference in the developmental characteristics of sensory processing patterns by disability type. These research results suggest that it is meaningful to examine the developmental characteristics of sensory processing patterns and provide service support for children with developmental disabilities.
Key Words
발달장애 아동, 감각처리 양상, 발달적 특성, Children with Developmental Disabilities, Sensory Processing Patterns, Developmental Characteristics
발달장애를 가진 자녀의 부모가 경험하게 되는 양육 의미 Parenting Meaning Experienced by Partents of Chindren with Developmental Disabilities
권선영 Sun-young Kweon
28(4) 187-206, 2024
권선영 Sun-young Kweon
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.10 Vol.28(No.4) 187-206, 2024
This study aimed to elicit the meaning of raising children with disabilities experienced by parents of children with developmental disabilities. For this study, 5 parents of children with developmental disabilities attending University B in Busan were selected as research participants, and a total of 30 in-depth interviews were conducted from January to June 2024. The results of the study showed that parents raising children with developmental disabilities experienced fear and despair about the unprepared role of parents as they became aware of their children's disabilities, and they recognized the various roles of the family even in the midst of the difficulty of raising children with disabilities being mainly handled by mothers alone. Although they experienced despair through various methods of raising children, they were able to find new motivation for raising children again in the process of realizing that parents also change along with their children, and they were able to find another meaning of happiness. These results are significant in that parents raising children with disabilities were growing together with their children, and they provided the need to understand and have a comprehensive perspective on the experience of raising children with disabilities by breaking away from negative views.
Key Words
발달장애, 장애부모, 양육경험, Developmental Disabilities, Parents with the Disabled, Parenting Experience
발달장애인의 행복에 대한 인식과 유형 연구 A Study on the Perception and Type of Happiness of People with Developmental Disabilities
이윤희 Yoon-hee Lee , 양명희 Myong-hee Yang
28(4) 207-224, 2024
이윤희 Yoon-hee Lee , 양명희 Myong-hee Yang
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.11 Vol.28(No.4) 207-224, 2024
This study applied Q methodology to examine the types and characteristics of perception of happiness of people with developmental disabilities. After securing 445 statements through an open questionnaire on 15 mothers of people with developmental disabilities on the subject of when their children look happy, 88 statements were secured while conducting an FGI with four people with developmental disabilities. Since then, 33 representative statements (Q samples) have been derived, and Q samples have been classified for 11 people with developmental disabilities and 3 mothers. The collected data were coded and analyzed using the QUANL program. As a result of the study, three types of happiness of people with developmental disabilities were derived: 'Desire-seeking type', 'Independent-seeking type', and 'Relationship-seeking type'. The desire-seeking type pursues the desire through the enjoyment of substances and feels happiness through participation without being alienated from daily life, the independent-seeking type gives important meaning to economic activities, feels happiness through independent activities rather than relationships with others, and the relationship-seeking type prioritizes and values relationships with family and friends, and feels happiness through time with others rather than a lone. This study is meaningful in that it directly investigated the subjective perception of happiness through the participation of people with developmental disabilities and examined their characteristics in detail according to the type.
Key Words
발달장애인, Q방법론, 행복, 유형 분류, People with Developmental Disabilities, Q Methodology, Happiness, Type Classification
발달장애청소년 자녀의 대학 진학관련 자립역량 증진 과정에 대한 부모의 경험: 리빙랩 방식을 활용하여 Parents' Experience in the Process of Improving Self-Reliance Competency regarding University Entrance of Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities: Using the Living Lab Method
임혜경 Hye-gyeoung Lim , 이연재 Yeon-jae Lee
28(4) 225-251, 2024
임혜경 Hye-gyeoung Lim , 이연재 Yeon-jae Lee
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.12 Vol.28(No.4) 225-251, 2024
This study is a case study on the experience of parents in the process of improving self-reliance competency regarding university entrance of adolescents with developmental disabilities (DD). Participants were five parents whose children with DD under the age of 25 went to university in 2023 or 2024. To collect data, in-depth interviews were conducted between mid-May and mid-June 2024. The collected data were analyzed using within-case analysis and cross-case analysis of qualitative case study methods. As a result, a total of 43 core meanings, 15 subcategories, and 5 upper categories were identified. The upper categories were "Dreaming of a better life," "coexistent ambivalence," "with a feeling of doing one's best," "with a posture of adding strength together," and "With a worried parent's mind." Through the results of the study, practical implications for a way to stably support university-based higher education for students with DD were suggested.
Key Words
발달장애청소년, 대학 진학, 자립역량, 부모의 경험, 리빙랩, Adolescents with Developmental, University Enterance, Self-Reliance Competency, Parents’ Experience, Living Lab
생애사 연구를 통한 성인 비장애 형제자매의 삶의 이해 Understanding the Lives of Adult Non-Disabled Siblings through Life History Research
조규순 Gyu-sun Jo , 우순영 Sun-yeong Woo , 전재수 Jae-soo Jeon
28(4) 253-272, 2024
조규순 Gyu-sun Jo , 우순영 Sun-yeong Woo , 전재수 Jae-soo Jeon
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.13 Vol.28(No.4) 253-272, 2024
This study attempted to examine the lives of non-disabled siblings with disabled brothers from a life-historical perspective and reconstruct the empirical meanings of life that were accumulated or patterned in time throughout their lives. For this, data was collected and analyzed using the narrative interview method of F. Schutze, a method of qualitative research, on non-disabled siblings. Results showed that the lives of non-disabled siblings were found to show the three characteristics of children maturing into adults early, a lonely and solemn tunnel, anxiety, and a dilemma of repeated choices. Through this, the social positions and needs of non-disabled siblings with disabled brothers could be reconstructed. In particular, in-depth analysis was conducted on the significances of crises appearing in the life histories of non-disabled siblings and the continuous patterns chosen by them to overcome such crises. Through this, policy support plans for each life cycle of non-disabled siblings and directions for follow-up studies were sought.
Key Words
생애사 연구, 장애인 가족, 장애인, 성인 비장애 형제자매, 삶의 경험, Life History Research, Family Members With Disabilities, Disabled People, Adult Non-Disabled Siblings, Life Experiences
성인발달장애인의 평생교육 경험과 만족도 및 대학기반 장애인 평생교육에 대한 부모인식 연구 A study on Parental Perception of University Lifelong Education Programs Based on the Lifelong Education Experiences and Satisfaction of Adult Development Disabilities
선용인 Yong-in Seon , 하주현 Ju-hyun Hah
28(4) 273-297, 2024
선용인 Yong-in Seon , 하주현 Ju-hyun Hah
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.14 Vol.28(No.4) 273-297, 2024
The purpose of this study was to conduct a survey of parents of children with developmental disabilities over the age of 18 to find out their children's lifelong education experiences and satisfaction according to the parents' gender, residential area, child's age, and type of lifelong education institution. and to investigate parents’ perceptions and demands regarding university-based lifelong education for the disabled. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on 209 parents of adults with developmental disabilities who had experience in lifelong education, and reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, χ2 analysis, and analysis of variance were performed for analysis. As a result of the study. First, parents of adults with developmental disabilities were most concerned about their children’s ‘independence in daily life.’ Second, as a result of the ‘Lifelong Education Satisfaction’ survey, mothers generally said that ‘lifelong education is more helpful to their children’ than fathers, and their satisfaction with lifelong education was higher. Third, as a result of investigating the demand for ‘university-based lifelong education for people with developmental disabilities’, parents expressed ‘their children need lifelong education after graduation’ and actively expressed ‘willingness to participate in university lifelong education’. Fourth, in response to parents' demands for 'operation of a university-based lifelong education program', the preferred form of education was a mixed education method in which students receive education separately from or together with non-disabled people, and full-time lifelong education courses with no period limit and education for independence were p referred. Content was preferred. This study raises the need for lifelong education for the disabled at the university level to ensure continuous education for adults with developmental disabilities after graduating from high school, prepares a plan for program systemization and standardization of lifelong education courses in universities, and provides instructors with character and qualifications. We suggest that there is a need to establish a one-stop integrated system that can integrate training and operate it.
Key Words
발달장애인, 부모, 평생교육, 장애인평생교육, 대학기반 평생교육, Developmentally Disabled, Lifelong Education, Lifelong Education for The Disabled, University-based Lifelong Education
언어행동분석의 단일대상연구 동향: 언어작동 중재의 효과를 중심으로 Trends in Single-Subject Research on Verbal Behavior Analysis: Focusing on the Effects of Verbal Operant Interventions
이정해 Jeong-hae Lee
28(4) 299-323, 2024
이정해 Jeong-hae Lee
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.15 Vol.28(No.4) 299-323, 2024
This study examined publication trends, research methodologies, and interventions related to the acquisition of basic verbal operants by reviewing single-subject studies utilizing behavior analysis. A total of 30 studies published through April 2024 were analyzed for general information, research methodologies, and 39 examples of verbal operants. The results revealed a stable trend in research on verbal operant acquisition, although the number of studies decreased to just one in 2023. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was the most commonly studied condition 16 studies, followed by developmental disabilities 7 studies, and intellectual disabilities 5 studies. Participants ranged in age from 2 years and 11 months to 19 years. Language assessment tools were used in 20 of the 30 studies. Regarding research design, 26 studies employed multiple-baseline and modified designs. Observer agreement was assessed in 29 studies, intervention fidelity in 25 studies, and social validity in 15 studies, all achieving ratings of 80% or higher. Among verbal operants, tact was the most commonly studied 16 papers, followed by mand 11 papers, and intraverbal 7 papers, with no studies addressing transcription. The most commonly used intervention method was multiple exemplar instruction, but it was applied in only five studies. Based on these findings, we discuss the need for systematic and diverse validation of intervention methods to s trengthen the reliability and validity of behavior analysis. This study aims to provide foundational data to support future research and practical applications.
Key Words
언어행동분석, 언어작동, 생성적 언어행동, 연구 동향, Verbal Behavior Analysis (VBA), Verbal Operant, Emergent Verbal Behavior, Research Trends
예비유아교사의 장애아통합어린이집 보육실습 경험의 의미 Prospective Early Childhood Teacher the Meaning of Childcare Training Experience at an Integrated Daycare Center for Children with Disabilities
고선아 Sun-ah Ko
28(4) 325-343, 2024
고선아 Sun-ah Ko
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.16 Vol.28(No.4) 325-343, 2024
This study attempted to analyze through qualitative research methods what meaning the childcare training experience at an integrated daycare center for children with disabilities means to prospective early childhood teachers. For this purpose, individual and group interviews were conducted face-to-face or online via video from September 23 to October 7, 2024 with 12 prospective early childhood teachers who completed childcare training at an integrated daycare center for children with disabilities. As a result of the study, the experience of childcare practice at an integrated daycare center for children with disabilities could be meaningful top rospective early childhood teachers in three aspects. It was ‘confusion and conflict’, ‘The value of childcare training at an integrated daycare center for children with disabilities’, and ‘Demand for improvement in childcare training at integrated daycare centers for children with disabilities’. The confusion and conflict of prospective early childhood teachers could be named with four keywords: ‘together and alone’, ‘interference and consideration’, ‘physical restraint and child abuse’, and ‘child-centered and teacher-centered’. The values of childcare training recognized by prospective early childhood teachers were ‘special emotion and greater reward,’ ‘learning to kill two birds with one stone,’ and ‘personal maturity.’ Lastly, the demands for becoming a more meaningful learning childcare practice were analyzed, which could be represented as ‘active practice experience related to disability integration’, ‘preparation for practice related to disability integration’, and ‘practical support for teachers specializing in disabilities’. The results of this study can be provided as basic data for strengthening the university's child care practice operation for integrated day care centers for children with disabilities and preparing teacher training plans to improve the quality of integrated education for children with disabilities.
Key Words
예비유아교사, 장애아통합어린이집, 보육실습, Prospective Early Childhood Teacher, Integrated Daycare Center for Disabled Children, Childcare Training
2022 개정 특수교육 기본 교육과정 일상생활 활동 현장 적용성에 관한 특수교사의 인식 연구: 경상북도 G시의 A특수학교를 중심으로 A Study on the Perception of Special Teachers on the Field Applicability of Activities of Daily Living in the 2022 Revised Basic Curriculum of Special Education: Focusing on A Special School in City G, Gyeongsangbuk-do
이필상 Pil-sang Lee
28(4) 345-363, 2024
이필상 Pil-sang Lee
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.17 Vol.28(No.4) 345-363, 2024
This study examined the experiential perceptions of special education teachers working in special schools regarding the applicability of the 2022 revised special education basic curriculum's daily life activities area composition and area-specific content element system, and the linkage between areas or subjects and creative experiential activities. The participants are five special education teachers with 3 years and 6 months to 27 years and 6 months of experience at A Special School in G City, Gyeongsangbuk-do. As a result of analyzing the results collected through semi-structured interviews, three main themes, eight subthemes, and 16 code names were derived. The three main themes are (1) perception of area composition, (2) perception of the applicability of the content element system by area, (3) perception of linkage between areas, subjects, and creative experiences. The study results showed that: First, in terms of the effectiveness of each domain of daily living activities in the 2022 revised Special Education Basic Curriculum, respondents reported that each domain is helpful for students with special needs, while also requesting more consideration of classroom instruction scenes in the content elements of each domain. Second, regarding the ease of application of the content element system of daily living activities in the 2022 revised Special Education Basic Curriculum, respondents reported that the ease of application was generally high, while also requesting the development and distribution of reference materials and training to improve understanding of application. Third, in terms of the linkage between domains of daily living activities, subjects, and creative experiences in the 2022 revised Special Education Basic Curriculum, respondents recognized the need for linkage but requested the presentation of models for various linkage methods.
Key Words
특수교육 교육과정, 기본 교육과정, 일상생활 활동, 현장 적용성, 특수교사 인식, Curriculum of Special Education, Basic Curriculum of Special Education, Activities of Daily Living, Application, Perception of Special Education Teacher
자동차 사고 후유증을 경험하는 아동과 미술치료사의 미술치료 내러티브 탐구 A Narrative Inquiry into the Experience of an Art Therapist Working with a Child with Aftereffects from Car Accident
박미형 Mi-hyoung Park
28(4) 365-383, 2024
박미형 Mi-hyoung Park
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.18 Vol.28(No.4) 365-383, 2024
This study explored the meaning of art therapy experience of the researcher, an art therapist, and of a child diagnosed with traffic accident aftereffects. Instead of thinking of the child’s main complaint as traffic accident trauma, the researcher conducted art therapy assuming that positive self-development was suppressed before the traffic accident. This study selected narrative inquiry as a research method to capture the unique experiences of the child and the researcher in detail. This study selected the child’s artwork and conversations between the researcher and the child during art therapy that took place once a week for one hour from 2016 to 2020, and composed field texts. This was translated into research texts to find and interpret the meaning of the experience, and to form the researcher’s narrative. As a result of the research, four themes were selected. The first theme is “Living in Despair and Running Away from Despair”, the second is “A Castle Just for Mom and Me,” the third is “My Mind Shows in My Drawings”, and the fourth is “Hello, My Mind!” This study formed narratives with sub-themes under these four major themes. During the art therapy process, the child approached the art materials as if catching her breath, and expressed her tension through art work. As the child's internal tension was relieved, she recovered her function of metaphorical and symbolic expression, and was able to draw and speak her mind with realistic expressions. The child's regained power of ego allowed the child to draw her reality and to narrate it verbally.
Key Words
미술치료, 내러티브, 자아발달, 상징적 표현, Art Therapy, Narrative, Self development, Symbolic Expression
장애인식개선 프로그램 개발을 위한 대학생의 장애인에 대한 태도 연구 A Study on University Students’ Attitudes Toward Individuals with Disabilities for the Development of Disability Awareness Improvement Programs
박선희 Sun-hee Park , 서석진 Seok-jin Seo
28(4) 385-405, 2024
박선희 Sun-hee Park , 서석진 Seok-jin Seo
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.19 Vol.28(No.4) 385-405, 2024
The study participants w ere 99 students enrolled at D University in the Kyeongbuk region. The study was conducted from April 16 to April 25, 2024, utilizing the Disability Factor Scale (DFS) as the measurement tool. The findings are as follows. First, among the general characteristics of the participating students, grade level and their major significantly influenced their attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. Second, the presence of a family member with a disability among the participating university students was found to have a significant impact on their attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. Third, experiences of participating in events with individuals with disabilities and completing disability related courses were confirmed to have a significant influence on the attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. Based on the above findings, recommendations for follow-up studies to support the development of disability awareness improvement programs were provided.
Key Words
장애인식개선 프로그램, 대학생, 장애인에 대한 태도, Disability Awareness Improvement Program, University Students, Attitudes toward Individuals with Disabilities
장애인 복지서비스 제공기관 종사자 대상 성인 발달장애인 도전적 행동 중재 요구 관련 연구의 체계적 문헌분석 The Systematic Review on the Intervention Needs for Challenging Behaviors of Adults with Developmental Disabilities Among Workers in Disability Welfare Service Organizations
김희진 Hee-jin Kim , 정주영 Ju-young Jeong , 나경은 Kyong-eun Na
28(4) 407-427, 2024
김희진 Hee-jin Kim , 정주영 Ju-young Jeong , 나경은 Kyong-eun Na
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.20 Vol.28(No.4) 407-427, 2024
The purpose of this study is to identify the needs related to the support for challenging behaviors of adults with developmental disabilities, as perceived by workers at disability welfare service organizations. To achieve this, a systematic literature review was conducted, selecting 20 domestic studies to analyze their general characteristics and identify the needs of staff regarding the challenging behaviors of adults with developmental disabilities. No restrictions were placed on the publication years of the studies to comprehensively analyze prior research related to the challenging behaviors of adults with developmental disabilities in the context of disability welfare service organizations. The analysis revealed that the 20 studies comprised 10 survey studies, 8 qualitative studies, 1 experimental study, and 1 mixed-method study. Key themes identified were awareness of challenging behaviors, experiences with challenging behaviors, and needs related to challenging behaviors. The needs of staff regarding interventions for challenging behaviors in adults with developmental disabilities were categorized into eight areas: workers training for behavior intervention, development of intervention manuals, provision of support from supervisors and external experts, fostering collaboration and relationship-building, establishment of policy and institutional frameworks, development of intervention strategies, efforts to alleviate staff burnout, and regular assessment of workers perceptions. Based on the results, the study provides discussions and recommendations for future study.
Key Words
장애인 복지서비스 제공기관, 발달장애인, 도전적 행동, 요구, 문헌분석, Disability Welfare Service Organizations, Developmental disabilities, Challenging behaviors, Needs, Literature Review
장애자녀를 가진 다문화 이주여성의 양육경험과 지원요구 Experience of Mother caring children with disabilities from multicultural family and Support Needs
김경열 Keoung-yeol Kim , 송홍준 Hong-jun Song
28(4) 429-441, 2024
김경열 Keoung-yeol Kim , 송홍준 Hong-jun Song
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.21 Vol.28(No.4) 429-441, 2024
The purpose of this study is to analyze the vivid parenting experiences of migrant women raising children with disabilities in multicultural families, which have been receiving increasing social attention. The objectives of this study are as follows: First, what are experiences by marriage migrant women raising children with multicultural disabilities? Second, what are their support needs? This study was conducted as a qualitative case study method that can obtain in-depth information on the 'their experience of raising children with multicultural disabilities' through the voices of five married migrant women raising elementary school-age children who can communicate in Korean. The results of research are as follows. First, the 'experiences by marriage migrant women raising children with multicultural disabilities' that migrant women raising children with disabilities in multicultural families include 'guilt for giving birth to children with disabilities', 'view toward multicultural people', and 'view toward the disabled'. Second, the 'support needs' identified by these mothers include 'child care service', 'support group', 'support for multicultural children outside of school', 'bilingual service', and 'universal environment'.
Key Words
장애인복지, 다문화복지, 특수교육, 다문화특수아동, Welfare for Persons with Disabilities, Multicultural Welfare, Special Education, Disable Student from Multicultural Family
우리나라 정서ㆍ행동장애의 정의, 명칭, 진단도구 및 선정절차에 관한 비판적 연구 A Study on the Definition, Contents of Definition, Diagnostic Instruments, and Diagnostic Process of Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Korea
정용석 Yong-seok Chung
28(4) 443-462, 2024
정용석 Yong-seok Chung
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.22 Vol.28(No.4) 443-462, 2024
This study was critically to explore the definition, contents of definition, diagnostic instruments, and diagnostic process of children with emotional and behavioral disorders in Korea. The results are as follows. First, the word of children with ‘emotional disorders’ in IDEA, U. S. A. was substituted as the word of children both with ‘emotional and behavioral disorders’, and with learning disabilities, in the Law of Children with Disabilities Like, Korea. Second, it was appeared that ‘labelling’ of children with ‘emotional and behavioral disorder’ was variously conceptualized, by special education professionals, such as children with ‘emotional disorder’, with ‘behavioral disorder’, or with ‘emotional and behavioral disorder’. sometimes excluding children with ‘emotional disorder’ or with ‘behavioral disorder’. Third, it is no existed standardized diagnostic instrument for children with emotional and behavioral disorders, especially in the case of elementary school students, in Korea. And diagnostic instruments for children with emotional and behavioral disorders are also using for children with intellectual disabilities and with autism. Forth, it is suggested that diagnostic criteria for children with emotional and behavioral disorder was different, according to Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education. It was decided by Special Education Steering Committee or Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education. Suggestions from results and discussions as follows. First, it is needed to delete words of ‘children with learning difficulty’ in the definition of children with ‘emotional and behavioral disorder’. Second, It is suggested that children with ‘emotional and behavioral disorder’ is needed to substitute for children with ‘emotional disorder’. Third, it was needed tangibly to revise the definition of children with ‘emotional and behavioral disorder, in Act on Special Education for Persons with Disabilities, etc. Forth, it needed to strength the knowledge of teachers related to children with ‘emotional and behavioral disorder’.
Key Words
정서행동장애 정의, 명칭, 진단 및 선정절차, Definition of Emotional and Behavioral Disorder, Labelling of Emotional and Behavioral Disorder, Diagnostic Procedures of Emotional and Behavioral Disorder
지원자의 관점에서 발달장애아동ㆍ청소년의 자기결정권 지원에 관한 탐색 연구 Study on Searching for Ways of Supporting the Exercise by Children and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities of Rights to Self Determination from the Perspective of Supporters
서재경 Jae-kyung Seo , 제철웅 Cheol-ung Je
28(4) 463-487, 2024
서재경 Jae-kyung Seo , 제철웅 Cheol-ung Je
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.23 Vol.28(No.4) 463-487, 2024
This study searches for ways for supportive service providers to support children and adolescents with developmental disabilities to exercise their rights to self-determination, based on focus group interviews with social workers in the developmental disability service provision fields. The in-depth interviews proceeded with distributing semi-structured questionnaires to them in advance. As a result, four upper categories, twelve subcategories and thirty five meaningful for the support of self-determination by children and adolescence with developmental disabilities were deduced. Four upper categories drawn from the analysis of the results are main reasons to exclude their exercising rights to self-determination, pre-requisites for supporting their self-determination, dilemma surrounding self-determination, future tasks for securing effective support for their self-determination. Based on the research results, this study made following suggestions for. Firstly, social awareness and customs including values and attitudes of persons meeting and approaching children and adolescents with developmental disabilities should be changed. Secondly, educational system of supporting the exercise by children and adolescents with developmental disabilities of the rights to self-determination for parents and supportive service providers should be institutionalized to the direction of deviating from the best interest approach interpreted from the perspective of supporters rather than those children and adolescents. Thirdly, there should be the legalization of targeted goals, contents and methods of supporting self-determination of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities so as to make supporting self-determination effective. Fourthly, as the very way of supporting self-determination by children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, the person-centered support system for self-determination should be established, based on the premise that they are subjects for their own lives rather than objects of cure and medical treatments.
Key Words
발달장애 아동ㆍ청소년, 자기결정권, 자기결정권 지원, 질적 연구, Children and Adolescents with developmental disabilities, Right to self-determination, Supporting the Exercise of Self-determination, Qualitative Analysis
최중증 발달장애성인의 공격행동을 지원한 경험과 역할에 관한 사회복지기관 종사자의 인식 Perceptions of Social Welfare Workers on Supporting Aggressive Behaviors in Adults with Severe Developmental Disabilities
박경옥 Kyoung-ock Park , 이혜주 Hye-ju Lee
28(4) 489-511, 2024
박경옥 Kyoung-ock Park , 이혜주 Hye-ju Lee
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.24 Vol.28(No.4) 489-511, 2024
This study aimed to analyze the perceptions of social welfare agency staff regarding the intervention of aggressive behaviors in adults with severe developmental disabilities, as well as their understanding of roles in the intervention process. The research involved an online survey conducted with 139 social welfare staff members who had experience supporting adults with severe developmental disabilities nationwide. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 28.0, employing descriptive statistics, t-tests, Borich needs analysis, and The Locus for Focus model analysis. The findings indicated that, First, social welfare staff recognized that interventions for physical aggression (e.g., hitting, throwing) and self-injurious behaviors (e.g., hitting, banging) in individuals with severe developmental disabilities are urgent, and the actual level of response was found to be low. Second, while the necessity for Positive Behavior Support top revent aggressive behaviors was high, the actual implementation in the field was low. Third, the role expectations for successful positive behavior support were highest for agency staff, followed by experts and then caregivers. Based on the results of this study, discussions and recommendations for behavior support in the intervention of aggressive behaviors among adults with severe developmental disabilities were presented.
Key Words
최중증 발달장애성인, 사회복지기관 종사자, 긍정적 행동지원, Borich 요구도 분석, LF모델, Adult with Profound Developmental Disability, Social Service Workers, Positive Behavior Support, Borich Needs Analysis, IPA
통합학급 장애 청소년들의 정서 상태에 관련변인이 미치는 영향: 개인 내적 요인, 환경적 요인 중심으로 The Effects of Related Variables on the Emotional Status of Adolescents with Disabilities in Integrated Classes: Focusing on Individual Internal and Environmental Factor
이경호 Kyung-ho Lee
28(4) 512-528, 2024
이경호 Kyung-ho Lee
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.25 Vol.28(No.4) 512-528, 2024
This study using the disability and life dynamics panel 4th data, verified the influence of individual internal factors (self-esteem, disability acceptance) and environmental factors (school life satisfaction, family health, leisure life satisfaction) on the emotional state of disabled adolescents (middle school and high school students) attending general schools. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, as a result of conducting an independent sample t-test to find out the difference in emotional state according to school level (secondary and high school students) of disabled adolescents attending general schools, middle school students with disabilities had more positive emotional states than high school students. Second, as a result of analyzing the correlation between the measurement factors on the emotional state of disabled adolescents, it was found that self-esteem, family health, and leisure activity satisfaction had a significant positive correlation with the emotional state of disabled adolescents. Third, as a result of conducting a hierarchical regression analysis to find out the relative influence of the measurement factors on the emotional state of disabled adolescents, family health was found to have the greatest influence, and other factors had no statistically significant influence. The results of this study are considered to be used as basic data for the development of emotional stability and integrated education of disabled adolescents in the future by analyzing the effects of related variables on the emotional state of disabled adolescents.
Key Words
정서 상태, 자존감, 장애수용성, 가족건강성, 학교생활만족도, 여가활동만족도, Emotional State, Self Esteem, Disability Acceptance, Family Health, School Life Satisfaction, Leisure Life Satisfaction
특수학급에서 교육봉사를 경험한 예비특수교사들의 경험과 요구 The Experiences and Needs of Pre-service Special Education Teachers Who Participated in Educational Volunteer Work in Special Education Classes
김두희 Du-hee Kim
28(4) 531-551, 2024
김두희 Du-hee Kim
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.26 Vol.28(No.4) 531-551, 2024
This purpose of this study was to explore the experiences and needs of prospective special education teachers who participated in volunteer activities in special education classes. The participants in the study consisted of 23 prospective special education teachers from I University, and the data collected included volunteer logs from special education classes, reflection journals, and qualitative analysis of in depth interviews conducted with five participants. The researcher organized the analysis around meaningful content, deriving two main themes from five categories. The research results show that the experience of prospective special education teachers in special class volunteer work unfolded in three stages. First, the initial phase characterized by a coexistence of worries, anxieties, and aspirations of becoming a teacher. The mid-phase where they come to understand the realities of inclusive education and The concluding phase in which they realize the essential elements needed for inclusive education. Second, through the participation of prospective special education teachers in volunteer teaching for special classes, the themes identified were "Improving disability awareness, which is needed above all else" and "Becoming professionals who must be equipped to guide children with disabilities." Based on these findings, the researcher emphasized the necessity of improving disability awareness to ensure that inclusive education in effectively implemented in regular schools. The importance of collaboration between general teachers and typical students who also highlighted. Additionally, the study proposed the establishment of a mentoring system between prospective special education teachers and current teachers through collaboration between universities and educational authorities.
Key Words
교육봉사, 예비특수교사, 특수학급, 심층면담, 질적 분석, Educational Volunteer Work, Prospective Special Education Teachers, Special Education Class, In-depth Interview, Qualitative Analysis
행동중재 전문가 양성을 위한 역량 기반 교원연수 프로그램 개발: ASSURE 모형을 적용하여 Development of a Competency-Based Teacher Training Program to Train Behavior Intervention Expert: Applying the ASSURE Model
송은숙 Eun-suk Song , 최진혁 Jin-hyeok Choi
28(4) 553-580, 2024
송은숙 Eun-suk Song , 최진혁 Jin-hyeok Choi
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.27 Vol.28(No.4) 553-580, 2024
This study aimed to design and propose a competency-based education program for the training of special education behavior intervention specialists using the ASSURE instructional design model. To this end, we examined the status of behavior intervention-related training provided by 17 provincial education training centers and analyzed the training outcomes and issues of the behavior intervention expert teacher training program developed and operated by our research team for three years. We conducted a survey of special education teachers selected as training participants to identify their experiences and perceptions of behavior intervention and held several discussions with the training management team. The teacher training program designed according to the 6-step procedure of the ASSURE model was developed to strengthen teachers’ behavior intervention competencies. The program was structured into 150 hours of in-service training, including 54 hours of foundational online training, 51 hours of advanced offline training, and 45 hours of practice-based online training. Finally at the online workshop, some selected teachers share how successfully they have implemented behavior intervention. The developed program forms online learning communities of 5-6 participants and requires them to establish, implement, and evaluate behavior intervention plans for students in classroom scenarios. This approach provides peer supervision activities that offer performance feedback on intervention fidelity. The program is expected to serve as a foundational data for systematic education on behavior intervention specialist training and as a guideline for developing training programs. It is anticipated that this program will enhance the capacity of teachers in behavior intervention and contribute to the development of effective education systems.
Key Words
행동중재 전문가, 교원연수 프로그램, 역량 기반 교육, ASSUER 모형, 현장적용형 혼합학습, Behavioral Intervention Specialist, Teacher Training Program, Competency-Based Education, ASSUER Model, Field-Oriented Blended Learning
교육대학원 특수교육전공의 발달장애인 평생교육 기반 융복합적 전공교과목 도입에 관한 인식 Perception of the Introduction of a Convergence Major Subjects Based on Lifelong Education for Persons with Developmental Disabilities in Special Education Major Belonging to the Graduate School of Education
김영준 Young-jun Kim , 권량희 Ryang-hee Kwon
28(4) 581-635, 2024
김영준 Young-jun Kim , 권량희 Ryang-hee Kwon
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.28 Vol.28(No.4) 581-635, 2024
The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of the introduction of convergent major subjects based on lifelong education for persons with developmental disabilities in special education major belonging to the graduate school of education. As for the method of the study, a group of professors working in special education major belonging to the graduate school of education was selected as participants, and the procedure of FGI was composed. The contents of the study reflected the various strategies and conditions that should be accompanied by the introduction of convergence major subjects on lifelong education for persons with developmental disabilities in special education major belonging to the graduate school of education at the level of awareness of related experts. In this regard, the aspect that a convergence major subject on lifelong education for persons with developmental disabilities can be introduced in order to unify the curriculum of special education major belonging to the graduate school of education was first raised. The above convergence major subjects were emphasized as a procedure that could be organized and introduced into two or less by semester units for the operation of special education major belonging to the graduate school of education, and it was also emphasized that they should be linked to extracurricular activities in terms of supplementation and in-depth learning. In addition, in order to actually cultivate the qualifications of lifelong education professionals for persons with developmental disabilities in special education major belonging to the graduate school of education, a procedure that must be integrated with the current qualification course for lifelong educators was proposed. To this end, not only was the need to actively e stablish educational administrative infrastructure with the affiliated lifelong education center emphasized in special education majors within the graduate school of education, but it was also suggested that the procedure of an internal certification system marked with the specificity of lifelong education for persons with developmental disabilities should be considered. In addition, it was suggested that the designation of a lifelong education field training institution for persons with developmental disabilities through a cooperative system with local related organizations, connection to the qualification development path of field experts such as secondary special education teachers, and systematization of the type and level of qualification performance capabilities of professionals should be accompanied by the introduction of the above convergence major subjects. Through the results of the study, it was possible to derive the possibility of designing and expanding a customized lifelong education support system for persons with developmental disabilities according to academic and practical levels in the curriculum of special education major belonging to the graduate school of education.
Key Words
교육대학원 특수교육전공, 발달장애인 평생교육, 융복합적 전공교과목, 인식, 질적 연구, Special Education Major Belonging to the Graduate School of Education, Lifelong Education for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Convergence Major Subjects, Perception, Qualitative Study
SDLMI가 초등 3학년 ADHD 학생의 수업참여도와 연산성취도에 미치는 영향 The Impact of SDLMI on Class Participation and Calculation Achievement in Third-Grade Elementary School Students with ADHD
추연구 Youn-gu Chu , 김병룡 Byeong-ryong Kim
28(4) 637-658, 2024
추연구 Youn-gu Chu , 김병룡 Byeong-ryong Kim
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.4.29 Vol.28(No.4) 637-658, 2024
This study aimed to examine the impact of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI) on the class participation and arithmetic achievement of third-grade elementary school students with ADHD. The subjects of the study w ere three low-achieving male students diagnosed with ADHD in the third grade at S Elementary School, located in Gangwon Province. To verify the effectiveness of the instruction, a multiple probe design a cross subjects was applied. The main findings of the study are as follows: First, the SDLMI significantly improved the class participation of all third-grade elementary school students with ADHD during basic arithmetic instruction time, and this effect was maintained even after the intervention ended. Second, the SDLMI also significantly improved the arithmetic achievement of all students, and this effect was likewise maintained after the intervention ended. Based on these results, the impact of the SDLMI on the class participation and arithmetic achievement of students with ADHD was interpreted according to the theory of self-determination, and how to utilize the SDLMI were discussed.
Key Words
자기결정학습모형, ADHD, 수업참여도, 연산성취도, Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI), Class Participation, Calculation Achievement