경계선 지적 기능 아동의 사회적 의사소통 기술에 영향을 미치는 요인 탐색 Exploring Factors that Influence Children's Social Communication Skills with Borderline Intellectual Functioning
이혜정 Hae-jung Lee , 이주현 Ju-hyeon Lee , 김화수 Wha-soo Kim
28(2) 1-23, 2024
이혜정 Hae-jung Lee , 이주현 Ju-hyeon Lee , 김화수 Wha-soo Kim
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.1 Vol.28(No.2) 1-23, 2024
The purpose of this study is to find out the factors affecting the social communication skills of children with borderline intellectual functioning and to help develop the social skills of children with borderline intellectual functioning. Thirteen children in the 4th to 6th grades with borderline intellectual function, 10 general children, and 45 parents of borderline intellectual functional children participated in this study. The individual factors were selected by the researcher, and the correlation between the selected language ability, empathy ability, self-esteem and social communication skills was examined, and the differences between borderline intellectually functioning children and ordinary children were compared. Finally, The factors affecting social communication skills were explored. The results of the study are as follows. First, as a result of examining the correlation between personal factors and social communication skills, cognitive empathy was significantly correlated with receptive language, expressive language, and meaning, which are sub-elements of language ability, and cognitive empathy was correlated with emotional empathy and social self-esteem. Second, in the difference in personal factors between children with borderline intellectual functioning and ordinary children, there was a significant difference between children with borderline intellectual functioning and ordinary children in areas other than emotional empathy and understanding of emotional emoticons. Third, in the search for factors affecting social communication skills, it was found that among parental parenting attitudes, autonomous parenting attitudes had an effect on social communication. Fourth, in the relationship between social communication ability and school adaptation, discourse management has a significant effect on academic attitude, and the higher the non-verbal communication, the higher the peer relationship. The above study results confirm that, although borderline intellectually functioning children are excluded from special education support, they are different from general children and have clear difficulties in everyday situations. It is expected that this study will help understand the characteristics of children with borderline intellectual function and develop support and programs accordingly.
Key Words
경계선 지적 기능, 사회적 의사소통, 양육태도, 요인탐색, Borderline Intellectual Functioning, Social Communication Skills, Parenting Attitude, Exploring Factors
독일의 장애학생 지원인력제도의 운영 특성과 시사점 고찰 Exploring the Operational Characteristics and Implications of Germany's Disabled Student Support Staff System
김기흥 Ki-heung Kim
28(2) 25-43, 2024
김기흥 Ki-heung Kim
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.2 Vol.28(No.2) 25-43, 2024
The purpose of this study is to investigate the operation and characteristics of the support staff system for disabled students in Germany and to examine implications through this. For this purpose, data were collected through previous research in Korea and Germany and internet searches using a literature research method. Rather than looking specifically at the operation of the support staff system for students with disabilities in all states in Germany, this study looked into the overall flow. The main research results derived from this study are as follows. First, the concept of support personnel for students with disabilities needs to be established primarily from an integrated educational perspective. Second, Germany's operation and management system for disabled student support personnel is mostly composed of multifaceted cooperative relationships between welfare administration agencies, social welfare companies, and educational institutions. Third, mutual understanding and cooperative relationships between support personnel, teachers, and parents for students with disabilities serve as successful factors in inclusive education along with fostering the independence of students with disabilities.
Key Words
독일, 장애학생, 지원인력, 통합교육, Germany, Disabled Students, Support Staff, Inclusive Education
리빙랩을 활용한 발달장애청소년 자립역량 증진 프로그램 개발 연구: 문화예술활동을 중심으로 A Study on the Development of a Self-reliance Promotion Program for Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities using Living Lab: Focusing on Culture and Arts Activities
임혜경 Hye-gyeoung Lim , 이연재 Yeon-jae Lee
28(2) 45-73, 2024
임혜경 Hye-gyeoung Lim , 이연재 Yeon-jae Lee
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.3 Vol.28(No.2) 45-73, 2024
The purpose of this study was to develop a culture and arts activity program to promote self-reliance capacity of adolescents with developmental disabilities(DD) using Living Lab and to identify the program outcome. To this end, five parents who could participate in the program with adolescent children with DD were selected as Living Lab members, and the Living Lab was operated for about eight months from the end of May 2022 to mid-February 2023. First, individual in-depth interviews were conducted with parents to confirm the members' desire for a program to improve the self-reliance capacity of adolescent children with DD. In addition, a group discussion among members was conducted to evaluate the structure of the prototype program and the performance of the operated module program. The research results are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing user needs, a total of eight key elements were derived at the individual-family-school-community level of adolescents with DD, and the improvement of the self-reliance capacity of adolescents with DD through culture and arts activities was selected as a key theme. Second, the theme of the program was categorized into four areas: seeing culture and arts activities, traveling, explorating activities, and crafting activities, and the goals, contents, methods, and evaluation criteria of the prototype program were composed. Third, it was confirmed that communication skills and interpersonal relationship skills of adolescents with DD who participated in the modular program were improved. Based on these results, we identified the operation of Living Lab program needs to be spread in the area of DD, and suggestions were made for further research.
Key Words
리빙랩, 발달장애청소년, 자립역량, 문화예술활동 프로그램, Living Lab, Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities, Self-reliance Capacity, Culture and Arts Activity Program
발달장애 청소년을 대상으로 한 사회성 및 성적 발달을 위한 집단 프로그램 개발 및 적용 효과 연구 A Research on the Development and Effectiveness of the Application of a Group Program for Social and Sexual Development for Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities
손연경 Yeon-kyeong Son , 김인향 Johanna Inhyang Kim , 김소정 So-jung Kim
28(2) 75-93, 2024
손연경 Yeon-kyeong Son , 김인향 Johanna Inhyang Kim , 김소정 So-jung Kim
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.4 Vol.28(No.2) 75-93, 2024
This study aimed to develop a group program for social and sexual development for adolescents with developmental disabilities and to evaluate the applicability of the program by implementing it with them. Based on a literature review, a 10-session program based on cognitive behavioral therapy was developed and the validity of the program was confirmed through consultation with two parents of adolescents with developmental disabilities and two experts in the field of sexual problems in people with developmental disabilities. The main content of the program comprises understanding oneself and social relationships. The program was conducted with five adolescents aged 11-17 with mild intellectual disability or borderline intelligence, and its appropriateness and effectiveness were examined. In individual interviews about social and sexual knowledge and attitudes, participants tended to recognize the physical changes of puberty more naturally than before. Positive changes were also observed, such as reporting the need to respect social boundaries when expressing interest and desire for sex. This study is expected to have implications for effective interventions in the social and sexual development of adolescents with developmental disabilities.
Key Words
발달장애, 청소년, 사회성 및 성적 발달, 인지행동치료 프로그램, Developmental Disabilities, Adolescents, Social and Sexual Development, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program
발달장애인 맞춤형 시력검사도구 개발: 리빙랩(Living Lab)방식을 활용하여 The Living Lab approach for vision testing tools for Developmental Disabilities
박수경 Soo Kyung Park , 이태엽 Tae Yub Lee , 홍초롱 Cho Rong Hong , 박영도 Young Do Park
28(2) 95-113, 2024
박수경 Soo Kyung Park , 이태엽 Tae Yub Lee , 홍초롱 Cho Rong Hong , 박영도 Young Do Park
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.5 Vol.28(No.2) 95-113, 2024
The objective of this study was to enhance the availability of vision testing by utilizing the Living Lab approach to identify the requirements of parents of adults with developmental disabilities and create vision testing tools specifically designed for individuals with developmental disabilities. In order to accomplish this objective, this study included a living lab composed of mothers who have adult children with developmental disabilities, professionals such as optometrists and day care center operators, as well as researchers. By implementing the living lab, we initially discovered difficulties faced by adults with developmental disabilities in accessing medical services. Additionally, we uncovered issues with current vision testing methods by understanding the requirements of parents. Consequently, we examined the elements in order to create a vision test specifically designed for individuals with developmental disabilities. We collaborated with users to jointly develop the tool and subsequently demonstrated a prototype. The importance of this study lies in the creation of a vision testing method specifically designed for individuals with developmental disabilities. This method addresses the shortcomings of existing vision tests and enhances accessibility through the use of a prototype. Additionally, the study highlights the value and relevance of employing the living lab approach in the realm of disability welfare and co-creation.
Key Words
발달장애인, 리빙랩, 시력검사도구, 공동창조, 의료접근성 향상, Developmental Disabilities, Living Lab, Vision Testing Tools, Co-creation, Enhancing Healthcare Accessibility
발달장애인 보호자의 자조 마을공동체 입주 동기 및 거주 경험에 관한 연구 A Study on the Residential Experience of Residents of a Self-help village Community for People with Developmental Disabilities: Focusing on Guardians of People with Developmental Disabilities
양헤경 Hye-kyung Yang , 조가람 Ga-ram Jo
28(2) 115-137, 2024
양헤경 Hye-kyung Yang , 조가람 Ga-ram Jo
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.6 Vol.28(No.2) 115-137, 2024
This study was conducted to understand the motivation for admission and residential experience of guardians of the developmentally disabled among residents of Korea's first self-help village community for the people with developmental disability. To this end, the study was conducted by setting the research questions ‘What is the motivation of guardians of people with developmental disabilities to move into a self-help community?’ and ‘What are the residential experiences of guardians of people with developmental disabilities?’ For the study, research participants were purposefully recruited and in-depth interviews were conducted using a focus group interview (FGI). The results obtained by performing thematic analysis on the collected data are as follows. The first core category derived was about the life in the community before the guardian of the developmentally disabled entered the community, and the theme 'Life with loss of trust - the meaning of life in the community' was derived, and the second core category was in the self-help community. The theme of 'Trust finally restored - the meaning of a self-help community for people with developmental disabilities' was derived from the content about the life of. As subcategories for the first core category, the following subthemes were derived: 'A life judged and judged in the kingdom of normal', 'Enduring the stigma of abnormality', and 'A life of wandering aimlessly'. As sub-topics, the concepts of 'a community where the concept of normality has disappeared', 'a place where the division of time and the distance between spaces have collapsed', and 'an encounter of free beings' were derived. These results can be used as useful basic data to understand the community of developmental disability in depth and design policies that lead the lives of residents in a better direction.
Key Words
발달장애인, 보호자, 자조, 마을공동체, 포커스그룹인터뷰, People with Developmental Disabilities, Guardians, Self-help, Village Community, Focus Group Interview
발달장애인과 어머니의 가족건강성이 우울에 미치는 영향: 행위자-상대자 상호의존모형(APIM)의 적용 The Effect of the Depression on the Family Strength in People with Developmental Disabilities and Their Mothers: An Application of the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM)
김한솔 Han-sol Kim , 염동문 Dong-moon Yeom
28(2) 139-152, 2024
김한솔 Han-sol Kim , 염동문 Dong-moon Yeom
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.7 Vol.28(No.2) 139-152, 2024
This study analyzed the relationship between family strength and depression in people with developmental disabilities and their mothers using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM). For this purpose, data from the 4th wave (2021) of the Disability and Life Dynamics Panel were utilized. The study included a total of 305 pairs of people with disabilities and their mothers as subjects. The analysis results indicated that in terms of actor effects, the Family Strength of people with disabilities and their mothers significantly influenced depression inversely. That is, higher Family Strength among people with disabilities and their mothers was associated with lower depression levels. Additionally, the influence of mothers on depression was stronger than that of people with disabilities in perceiving Family Strength. Regarding partner effects, the Family Strength of people with disabilities' mothers had an inverse significant effect on their children's depression, but the Family Strength of children did not significantly influence mothers' depression. Thus, higher Family Strength among mothers of people with disabilities was associated with lower depression levels among their children. Based on these findings, implications for policies and practices aimed at improving Family Strength and alleviating depression among people with disabilities and their mothers were discussed.
Key Words
가족건강성, 우울, 행위자-상대자 상호의존모형, Family Strength, Depression, Actor-Partner Interdependence Model
발달장애청년과 어머니의 미래 계획과 자립 역량 인식 차이에 관한 질적 연구 A Qualitative Study on the Differences in Future Planning and Perception of Independent Competency of Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities and Their Mothers
이윤희 Yoon-hee Lee , 양명희 Myong-hee Yang
28(2) 153-174, 2024
이윤희 Yoon-hee Lee , 양명희 Myong-hee Yang
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.8 Vol.28(No.2) 153-174, 2024
This study aims to examine the perceptions and independence plans for the future for young adults with mild developmental disabilities who can communicate. After that, I would like to find out the mother's opinions on their children's future plans and discuss ways to realistically collect the plans of the parties. This is a multi-case study focusing on a number of cases by recruiting various participants in consideration of gender, educational background, current job, and disability. For this reason, young adults with developmental disabilities recognized that the future was the near future and were contemplating employment, independence, and marriage. Regarding the future career path, the answer was changed to the future career path in consideration of the situation according to the age group and prefer living in the city. We were able to confirm what competencies are needed to establish future plans for young adults with developmental disabilities identified through interviews. First, it is necessary to form meaningful relationships with others, not families. Second, the participants were expanding their interests and experiences according to their preferences, learning skills through experiences, and applying them to new experiences. Third, it was confirmed that it is very important to know about yourself and have autonomy for the independence of young adults with developmental disabilities. It was connected to relationships, autonomy, and competencies, which are important psychological needs of humans. After in-depth group interviews with young adults, in-depth group interviews were conducted with mothers about the independence and future of children with disabilities. For this reason, mothers desperately wanted their children's independence, but in reality, they had a burden as parents for marriage, which is their children's developmental task, and pointed out a lack of money management ability, lack of opportunities to choose, and lack of social awareness of developmental disabilities as practical difficulties hindering independence. As such, the difference in perception and independence of the future of mothers and young adults with developmental disabilities suggested that efforts to include the opinions of people with developmental disabilities in future plans are necessary. Educational, social, and policy support should be provided so that the parties' right to self-determination can think and plan for the future on their own.
Key Words
발달장애 청년, 미래계획, 자립, 집단인터뷰, Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Future Planning, Independence, Group Interviews
부모의 회복탄력성이 부모 양육 태도에 미치는 영향: 부모가 지각하는 자녀 지능과 발달장애 여부의 조절된-조절 효과 The Effect of Resilience of Parents on Parenting Attitudes: The Moderated-moderation Effect of the Parent-perceived Child Intelligence and Presence of Child Developmental Disabilities
이경래 Kyung-rae Lee , 임호찬 Ho-chan Lim
28(2) 175-206, 2024
이경래 Kyung-rae Lee , 임호찬 Ho-chan Lim
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.9 Vol.28(No.2) 175-206, 2024
The purpose of this study was to examine whether the moderating effect of parental perception of child intelligence on the relationship between parental resilience and parenting attitudes is contingent upon the presence of developmental disabilities in children. The study included a total of 233 parents from Region A, consisting of 107 parents of children with developmental disabilities and 126 parents of non-disabled children. Using Hayes' (2012) PROCESS Macro for SPSS version 4.3 Model 3, a moderated-moderation analysis was conducted to explore the adjusted-moderation effects among perceived child intelligence level, parental resilience factors (self-regulation ability, interpersonal relationship ability, and positivity), and parenting attitudes (support expression, rational explanations, achievement pressure, interference, punishment, supervision, overexpectation, and inconsistency) across the two parent groups. The results revealed that parental resilience had varying impacts on parenting attitudes depending on the perceived intelligence level of the children. For parents of children with developmental disabilities, higher perceived intelligence of their children was associated with increased self-regulation ability, leading to increased support expression, rational explanations, and supervision. Additionally, higher interpersonal relationship ability was linked to more positive impacts on support expression and supervision. In contrast, for parents of children without disabilities, lower perceived intelligence of their children was associated with increased positive impacts. Furthermore, parents of children with developmental disabilities experienced an increase in negative impact on overexpectation as perceived intelligence of their children decreased with higher self-regulation ability, and an increase in negative impact on achievement pressure as interpersonal relationship ability increased. Conversely, parents of children without disabilities experienced an increase in negative impact as perceived intelligence of their children increased.
Key Words
회복탄력성, 부모 양육 태도, 발달장애 자녀 부모, 비장애 자녀 부모, 부모가 지각하는 자녀 지능, Resilience, Parenting Attitudes, Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities, Parents of Non-disabled Children
자폐스펙트럼장애 학생의 소리지르기에 관한 국내·외 단일대상연구 대상 질적지표 기반 문헌연구 Literature Review of Single-Subject Design Studies on Yelling of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Quality Indicators
김희진 Hee-jin Kim , 정주영 Ju-young Jeong , 박건호 Gun-ho Park , 나경은 Kyong-eun Na
28(2) 207-232, 2024
김희진 Hee-jin Kim , 정주영 Ju-young Jeong , 박건호 Gun-ho Park , 나경은 Kyong-eun Na
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.10 Vol.28(No.2) 207-232, 2024
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the evidence-based practice (EBP) of intervention on yelling of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through domestic and international single-subject design studies based on the qualitative indicators proposed by Horner et al. (2005) in order to identify effective intervention strategies based on scientific evidence. Twenty nine previous studies on interventions for yelling of children with ASD were selected, and the analysis showed positive changes in yelling due to various independent variables. It was found that there were no interventions that met all 21 indicators proposed by Horner et al. (2005) and the criteria for EBP evaluation. Only one study was recognized as high quality based on Jitendra et al. (2011) 3-point scale. Based on the general characteristics and qualitative indicator of the 29 previous studies, discussion and implications for future study were suggested.
Key Words
자폐스펙트럼장애, 소리지르기, 단일대상연구, 질적지표, 근거기반실제, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Yelling, Single-Subject Design, Quality Indicators, Evidence-Based Practice
초등학교 전이 지원 프로그램이 통합학급 비장애 및 장애유아의 학교준비도에 미치는 영향 The Effects of Elementary Transition Support Program on School Readiness of Children without and with Disabilities in Inclusive Classes
구민화 Min-hwa Ku , 박윤정 Youn-jung Park
28(2) 233-254, 2024
구민화 Min-hwa Ku , 박윤정 Youn-jung Park
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.11 Vol.28(No.2) 233-254, 2024
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the elementary school transition support program on the school readiness of children without and with disabilities in inclusive classes. By applying a pretest-posttest control group design in a 5-year-old inclusive class at a public S kindergarten located in Gyeonggi-do, we examined whether the difference between the two groups in change in school readiness was statistically significant using an independent sample t test, the effect size was calculated using Hedges' g. A total of 41 children participated in the study (20 in the experimental group and 21 in the control group), and each group included 4 children with disabilities. A total of 12 sessions of intervention were applied, and differences between groups in the change in pre- and post-school readiness test scores were analyzed and examined using graphs. As a result, first, the change in pre- and post-school readiness scores of children without disabilities in the experimental group showed a statistically significant improvement compared to children in the control group. It was statistically significant in all sub-domains in the order of adaptation, disposition, function and attitude, and the overall effect size was also high at 3.57. Second, the children with disabilities in the experimental group also improved their pre- and post-school readiness averages, as well as improved post-scores in all sub-domains in the order of adaptation, attitude, function, and disposition. Individual children with disabilities also showed an improvement in their overall school readiness scores from a min of 36 to a max of 74 points, and all four children showed improvement in all sub-domains. The implications and suggestions for future research and educational practice were discussed based on the main findings that the elementary school transition support program has a positive effect on the school readiness of both children without and with disabilities.
Key Words
초등학교 전이 지원, 학교준비도, 통합학급, 비장애 및 장애유아, Elementary School Transition Support, School Readiness, Integrated Classes, Children without and with Disabilities
타악기앙상블 중심의 집단음악치료가 경계선 지능 청소년의 주의집중력과 불안 및 우울에 미치는 영향 Effects of Percussion Ensemble-centered Group Music Therapy on Attention, Anxiety and Depression of Borderline Intelligent Adolescents
오대석 Dae-seok Oh , 강경선 Kyung-sun Kang
28(2) 255-273, 2024
오대석 Dae-seok Oh , 강경선 Kyung-sun Kang
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.12 Vol.28(No.2) 255-273, 2024
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of percussion ensemble-centered group music therapy on attention concentration, anxiety, and depression of borderline intelligence adolescents. The subjects of this study were 12 youths with borderline intelligence who were using the H center located in Y-si, Gyeonggi-do, and they were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group of 6 e ach. Music therapy was conducted once a week for 50 minutes over a total of 10 sessions. To verify the effectiveness of the program, FAIR attention span test, anxiety, and depression test were measured before and after the two groups. As a result of the study, first, the P (selection ability index) and C (persistence ability index) of the experimental group showed a significant difference (p<.05) compared to the control group, but there was no significant difference between the groups in the Q score related to attention control (p=.167). Second, the anxiety score of the experimental group and the control group showed a significant difference (p<.05 ) between the groups, and the anxiety of the experimental group decreased. Third, there was also a significant difference (p<.05) between groups in the depression score. This results suggest that the group music therapy centered on the percussion ensemble was effective in the overall development of attention, anxiety, and depression of borderline intelligent adolescents.
Key Words
타악기앙상블, 경계선 지능 청소년, 주의집중력, 불안, 우울, Percussion Ensemble, Borderline Intelligence Youth, Attention, Anxiety, Depression
통합교육 지원 순회교육에 대한 학부모 요구 분석 Analysis of Parents' Demands for Itinerant Education to Support Inclusion
강은영 Eun-young Kang , 주교영 Kyo-young Joo
28(2) 275-294, 2024
강은영 Eun-young Kang , 주교영 Kyo-young Joo
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.13 Vol.28(No.2) 275-294, 2024
The purpose of this study is to examine the current status and satisfaction of itinerant education to support inclusion among parents whose children are receiving itinerant education to support inclusion from kindergarten to high school, and to seek future improvement plans based on their needs. The participants were recruited to include all parents of children belonging to all local education support offices of the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, and focus group interviews (FGI) were conducted twice with a total of 12 parents. The results of the study revealed parents' perceptions of the overall operation of itinerant education and their needs for itinerant education, as well as their opinions on the current state of itinerant education, which they perceive to be inadequate, the operation of a needs-based itinerant education curriculum, the coexistence of satisfaction and concerns about itinerant education, ensuring stable provision of itinerant education support, the need to establish a solid itinerant education curriculum, close interaction between itinerant teachers and parents, interaction between itinerant teachers and inclusive classroom teachers, and the need to improve itinerant education support. Based on the research results, the desirable direction of future integrated education support itinerant education was discussed and suggested.
Key Words
통합교육, 순회교육, 학부모, 초점집단면담, 질적연구, Inclusion, Itinerant Education, Parents, Focus Group Interview, Qualitative Research
특수교사의 민감성 척도 개발 및 타당화 Development and Validation of a Sensitivity Scale for Special Education Teachers
최현석 Hyun-suk Choi
28(2) 295-314, 2024
최현석 Hyun-suk Choi
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.14 Vol.28(No.2) 295-314, 2024
This study aims to develop a sensitivity scale for special education teachers and to determine its validity. To develop a sensitivity scale, 30 questionnaire items were primarily developed. The sensitivity scale consisted of 10 questions for appropriateness, 5 for accuracy, 5 for immediacy, 5 for consistency, and 5 for flexibility. One thousand sixty-six special teachers nationwide were surveyed. Exploratory factor analysis, correlation, confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability analysis of related scales were conducted. The sensitivity scale of special teachers was determined to be 22 questions, and the flexibility factor was deleted. Correlation between sensitivity factors, suitability of measurement models, and reliability of related scales were tested. The sensitivity scale for special teachers consists of 22 factors of adequacy, accuracy, immediacy, and consistency, and the sensitivity scale's validation was significantly secured. This study also proposes the excellence of teaching and learning through the sensitivity scale and its application in teacher education.
Key Words
특수교사, 민감성, 척도 개발, 타당도, Special Education Teacher, Sensitivity, Scale Development, Validity
특수교육에서 인공지능 관련 국내 연구 동향 분석 An Analysis of Research Trends on Artificial Intelligence in Special Education
이재욱 Jae-uk Lee
28(2) 315-334, 2024
이재욱 Jae-uk Lee
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.15 Vol.28(No.2) 315-334, 2024
The purpose of this study is to analyze the trends in research on artificial intelligence in special education. The analysis was conducted on 49 research studies related to artificial intelligence in special education published in korean journals from 2009 to April 2024, focusing on publication year and academic journal discipline, research subjects, research content, research type, and research tools. The results of the study were as follows. First, in terms of publication year and academic journal discipline, research has been steadily conducted since 2009, with most publications appearing in special education-related journals. Recently, there has been a trend towards a broader range of academic disciplines. Second, in terms of research subjects, studies targeting students were the most common, accounting for 29 papers (59.2%). Among these, research focused on kindergarten and elementary students and those with autism was predominant. Third, in terms of research content, studies related to educational programs were the most frequent, totaling 21 papers (42.9%), while no studies related to the curriculum were found. Fourth, in terms of research type, experimental research, qualitative research, and literature reviews were prevalent, but there were significant variations among the different research types. Fifth, regarding research tools, intelligent robots were the most common, used in 33 papers (67.3%), and since 2020, there has been a trend towards a greater diversity of research tools. Based on these results, discussions and suggestions related to artificial intelligence in special education were presented.
Key Words
특수교육, 장애 학생, 인공지능, AI, 문헌분석, Special Education, Students with Disabilities, Artificial Intelligence, Literature Analysis
특수학교에 근무하는 사회복무요원의 장애학생 지원 경험 및 지원 방안 고찰 Experience in Supporting Students with Disabilities and Future Support Plans of Social Service Personnel at Special Schools
한선영 Sun-young Han , 정정은 Jung-eun Jung , 김라경 Rakyung Kim
28(2) 335-352, 2024
한선영 Sun-young Han , 정정은 Jung-eun Jung , 김라경 Rakyung Kim
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.16 Vol.28(No.2) 335-352, 2024
The purpose of this study is to analyze the experiences of social service personnel in more depth and examine their support needs by paying attention to the role of social service personnel in the special school environment. According to the research purposes, individual in-depth interviews were conducted with seven social service personnel serving in special schools. Through continuous comparative analysis, qualitative analysis of the interview data yielded four main themes and 14 sub-themes. As a result of the study, the social service personnel was forcibly assigned by the Military Manpower Administration to come to special schools, and they did not receive prior training. Prior to their service, they had no experience with disability and struggled with a lack of educational knowledge and understanding of disability in the process of supporting students with disabilities, and complained of emotional burden and stress. The experience of working in a special school was a catalyst for raising awareness of disability, but there was a need for systematic and continuous education, clear guidelines related to the job adjustment of duties during vacation for students with disabilities. Future support plans based on the research results were discussed.
Key Words
특수학교, 사회복무요원, 장애학생, 지원인력, Special School, Social Service Personnel, Students with Disabilities, Support Personnel
특수학급에 재직 중인 초·중등 특수교사의 교권 침해에 관한 인식과 교권 보호 방안에 대한 고찰 A Study on the Awareness of Infringement and Protection for Teaching Right of Special Education Teachers in Elementary and Secondary Special Classes
이신영 Shin-young Lee , 서석진 Seok-jin Seo
28(2) 353-370, 2024
이신영 Shin-young Lee , 서석진 Seok-jin Seo
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.17 Vol.28(No.2) 353-370, 2024
This study was conducted to investigate the awareness of and solutions to the infringement of teaching right by special education teachers in elementary and secondary special classes, in order to provide basic data for future related research and programs. A survey on awareness of and protection infringement of educational rights was distributed to 194 special education teachers working in special classes for elementary, middle, and high schools nationwide. The collected surveys were analyzed through descriptive statistics using statistic program. The results are as follows. First, the main cause of infringement of educational right is the decreased right of teachers, and the difficulty in problem solving is due to the low reflection of the opinions of the victims and the maintenance of trust with parents/students, as well as the lack of awareness among parents regarding acts of infringement of educational authority. Also, the appropriate person for managing this is the school administrator and recognized that most important the introduction of compensation and mediation systems for damages resulting from school right infringement. Second, the demands regarding the protection of educational rights showed the most emphasis on changes in the image of education, understanding of educational rights-related laws, and the establishment of educational rights counseling services. Furthermore, the educational authorities were identified as the most suitable parties to support victims of educational rights violations, and the need for education on understanding and implementing manuals for educational rights protection was deemed the highest. It is expected that the results of this study will be used as basic data for the protection of teaching rights by reducing the number of special education teachers.
Key Words
특수학급, 특수교사, 교권 침해, 교권 보호, Special Classes, Special Education Teacher, Infringement Teaching Right, Protection Teaching Right
플립러닝 기반 수업에 참여한 예비특수교사의 경험과 의미 탐색 Exploring the Experiences and Meaning of Pre-service Special Education teachers who Participated in the Flipped Learning Method
김두희 Du-hee Kim
28(2) 371-391, 2024
김두희 Du-hee Kim
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.18 Vol.28(No.2) 371-391, 2024
This purpose of this study was to explore the experiences and meanings of pre-service special education teachers utilizing the flipped learning instructional environment. A reflection journal conducted with the flipped learning teaching and learning method for 25 pre-service special education teachers at I university and an in-depth interviews was conducted with 5 of them to analyze their experiences in depth. When analyzing the collected data, the researcher derived six topics from two categories, focusing on meaningful content between cases. First, the experience process of flipped learning teaching- learning methods of prospective pre-service special education teachers was found to be an early experience in which worries, expectations, and challenges revolve, and an experience in progress where the learning effect increases due to difficulties due to a large amount of learning but changes in learning culture, and experience that ended with growing joy and sustainable implementation. Second, the meaning of participation in flipped learning teaching and learning methods of pre- service special education teachers was analyzed as an opportunity to reflect on myself, finding effective self- learning methods, and thinking about teaching methods for teaching students with disabilities. Therefore, through this study, teaching- learning methods flipped learning is significant in that it feels the learner’s active learning change and self- growth through class time, finds its own desirable learning method, and pursues a student- centered class that interacts and discusses with students.
Key Words
플립러닝, 예비특수교사, 교수·학습방법, 학습자 경험, 심층면담, 질적 분석, Flipped learning, Pre-service Special Education Teachers, Teaching-learning Methods, Learner Experience, Qualitative Analysis
행동기술훈련이 자폐 지원 전문가의 개별 시도교수 수행 및 자폐스펙트럼장애 아동의 과제 수행에 미치는 효과 Effect of Behavioral Skills Training on Discrete Trial Teaching of Qualified Autism Service Practitioner Supervisor and Task Performance of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
정지은 Ji Eun Chung
28(2) 393-413, 2024
정지은 Ji Eun Chung
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.19 Vol.28(No.2) 393-413, 2024
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of behavior skills training, consisting of baseline, instruction, modeling, role-play, and feedback, on the individualized teaching performance of autism support professionals, specifically employing discrete trial teaching (DTT), and task performance of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The participants included three autism support professionals (QASP-S) with experience ranging from one to three years. The effects of providing individualized teaching to children with ASD after each phase of training on task performance were investigated. Using a multiple baseline across participants design, the performance of professionals' individualized teaching and children's performance was assessed. The accuracy of professionals' performance increased steadily across the phases, with a noticeable increase in accuracy during the feedback phase. As the accuracy of professionals' performance increased throughout the phases of baseline, instruction, modeling, role-play, feedback, and maintenance, the task performance of children improved. This study provides insights into the procedural aspects of behavior skills training, specifically DTT, and demonstrates the effectiveness of applied behavior analysis-based behavior skills training, which is expected to be recognized as evidence-based and effective for early intervention. Behavior skills training also effectively improved task performance of children. The training methods employed in this study offer avenues for qualitative growth of professionals and provide foundational data for the development and implementation of training programs for future behavior experts.
Key Words
행동기술훈련, 자폐 지원 전문가, QASP-S, 개별 시도교수, BST, Behavior Skills Training (BST), Qualified Autism Service Practitioner Supervisor, QASP-S (Qualified Autism Service Practitioner Supervisor), Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
호흡명상프로그램이 지체장애노인의 호흡기능에 미치는 영향 Effects of Breathing Meditation Program on Respiratory Function in Old-aged Women with Physically Disabilities
김영숙 Young-sook Kim , 임인수 In-soo Lim
28(2) 415-427, 2024
김영숙 Young-sook Kim , 임인수 In-soo Lim
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.20 Vol.28(No.2) 415-427, 2024
This study aimed to determine the effect of a 12-week breathing meditation program on respiratory function in elderly people with physical disabilities. The subjects of the study were 20 elderly people aged 65 or older from D Welfare Center located in C City and randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. The selection criteria were voluntary willing participants, those who had not practiced meditation or breathing techniques, and those who did not have cardiopulmonary or underlying diseases. Research measurements Using a pulmonary function meter (Quark PFT), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC), and peak expiratory flow (PEF) were measured in advance. After post-measurement, comparison and analysis were conducted. As a result of the study, FVC determines restrictive ventilation disorder based on maximum forced expiratory volume, FEV1 determines the degree of obstructive ventilatory disorder by measuring the expiratory volume during the first second at maximum expiratory volume, FEV1/FVC determines the state of obstructive pulmonary disease, Both PEF, which can determine the degree of airway resistance, increased. However, FEV1/FVC increased by 0.42 and PEF by 0.47, which resulted in significant results. FEV1 increased by 0.32 and the ratio of FEV1/FVC increased by 0.31%, but did not result in a statistically significant difference. From this, it can be inferred that a 12-week regular and continuous breathing meditation program for elderly people with physical disabilities has an overall positive effect on their respiratory function.
Key Words
호흡명상프로그램, 지체장애노인, 노력성폐활량, 1초간 강제호기량, 1초간 강제호기량/노력성폐활량, 최대호기유량, Breathing Meditation Program, Physically Disabled Elderly, Effort Vital Capacity, Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second, Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second / Effortive Vital Capacity, Maximum Expiratory Flow Rate
발달장애인 훈련센터의 확대를 위한 대학부설 평생교육원과의 통합적 기능 로드맵 설계 A Roadmap Design on the Integrated Function with the University-Affiliated Lifelong Education Center for the Expansion of Training Centers for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
김영준 Young-jun Kim , 권량희 Ryang-hee Kwon
28(2) 429-463, 2024
김영준 Young-jun Kim , 권량희 Ryang-hee Kwon
DOI:10.34262/kadd.2024.28.2.21 Vol.28(No.2) 429-463, 2024
The purpose of this study is to design an integrated functional roadmap with the university-affiliated lifelong education center for the expansion of training centers for persons with developmental disabilities. Job experience training operated by training centers for persons with developmental disabilities is considered part of employment services, but it is very close to independent life and quality of life in the life cycle of persons with developmental disabilities who are ahead of adulthood or maintain adult life, reflecting the view that an integrated composition system can be secured with other fields such as lifelong education. As a research method for this, focus group interview was used by selecting experts working in the field of employment services and lifelong education for persons with developmental disabilities as participants. As a result of the study, in establishing an integrated functional roadmap with the university-affiliated lifelong education center for the expanded operation of the training center for persons with developmental disabilities, the dimensions of job experience training and lifelong education curriculum, including organizational administrative dimensions, were reflected as concrete implementation factors. First, the integrated functional roadmap between the two organizations based on the organizational level consisted of an integrated approach centered on the district, as well as integrated management based on the level of commissioning and joint operation. Next, the integrated functional roadmap between the two institutions based on job experience training and lifelong curriculum dimension consisted of a procedure to map lifelong curriculum and teaching and learning programs through detailed improvement and restructuring of pre and post courses centered on job experience training. As above, the mapped procedures at the level of job experience training and lifelong curriculum included the possibility that they could be approached for each life cycle of persons with developmental disabilities by being classified into primary and secondary procedures based on feedback. Finally, this study analyzed that the expansion and operation of training centers for people with developmental disabilities can be realized under conditions in which the functional meaning and values of lifelong education belonging to other fields are integrated with each other. In addition, it was suggested that a customized related institution that can specialize in lifelong education curriculum and results based on the operating system of a training center for persons with developmental disabilities among various related institutions can be a university-affiliated lifelong education center.
Key Words
Training Center for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Expansion Operation, University-Affiliated Lifelong Education Center, Integrated Function, Roadmap Design, 발달장애인 훈련센터, 확대 운영, 대학부설 평생교육원, 통합적 기능, 로드맵 설계