개별차원의 긍정적 행동지원이 장애아전문 어린이집 발달장애유아의 문제행동에 미치는 효과 The Effects of Individualized Positive Behavior Support on Challenging Behavior of Infants with Developmental Disabilities
개별차원의 긍정적 행동지원이 장애아전문 어린이집 발달장애유아의 문제행동에 미치는 효과 The Effects of Individualized Positive Behavior Support on Challenging Behavior of Infants with Developmental Disabilities
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an individualized positive behavior support on classroom disturbance behaviors and aggressive behaviors of infants with developmental disabilities. The subject of this study was a infant with developmental disabilities in B special daycare center. Individualized positive behavior support was implemented using multiple baseline design across settings. The collected data were analyzed for interventional effects through visual analysis. The results of this study were as follows: First, individualized positive behavior support was effective reducing the disturbance behaviors of infant with developmental disabilities. Second, individualized positive behavior support was effective reducing the aggressive behaviors of infant with developmental Disabilities. The results of this study demonstrate the need to further expand the subject of positive behavior support research.
In this study, the level of self-determination and career resilience of students with mild developmental disabilities was examined, and whether there were differences by background variables (gender, disability type, affiliated school, grade) and function level variables (sociality level, basic education level, communication level, physical function level and problem behavior level). A survey was conducted with self-determination and career resilience scale questions, and descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation analysis were conducted on a total of 124 students with mild developmental disabilities in the P and K regions. As a result, both the level of self-determination and career resilience were normal, and all showed significant differences according to the level of functional level variables. As a result of correlation analysis, self-determination and career resilience showed a high level of correlation. Finally, based on these results, suggestions were presented for ways to improve self-determination and career resilience of students with mild developmental disabilities.
Key Words
경도 발달장애학생, 자기결정력, 진로탄력성, Students with Mild Developmental Disabilities, Self-determination, Career Resilience
교육부 및 시도별 특수교육정책 비교 분석: 제5차 특수교육발전 5개년 계획을 중심으로 A Comparative Study of Special Education Policies by the Ministry of Education and Metropolitan and Provincial Office of Education
교육부 및 시도별 특수교육정책 비교 분석: 제5차 특수교육발전 5개년 계획을 중심으로 A Comparative Study of Special Education Policies by the Ministry of Education and Metropolitan and Provincial Office of Education
This study compares the five-year plans for special education development of 17 metropolitan and provincial offices of education according to the 5th special education development 5-year plan ('18-'22) of the Ministry of Education currently being implemented and analyzes the developmentally strategy. Various common promotion policies and specialized development plans were proposed in the field; First, 'Securing equal and fair educational opportunities', Second, 'Intensifying support for integrated education and special education', Third, 'Strengthening support for career and higher and lifelong education', Fourth, 'Expanding a culture of empathy for people with disabilities and strengthening the support system', ect. In order for the special education development plan proposed in this study to be promoted, it is necessary to first supplement the legal and institutional aspects, such as the revision of the ordinance. And in order to materialize detailed tasks and implementation strategies, it is necessary to consider not only administrative support, but also a plan to link the state and local governments through cooperation between the central ministry of education and metropolitan and provincial offices of education.
긍정적 행동지원에 대한 이론적 고찰: Dweck(2000/2008)의 동기이론을 중심으로 Theoritical Review on the Positive Behavioral Supports: with Focus on Motivational Theories of Dweck (2000/2008)
긍정적 행동지원에 대한 이론적 고찰: Dweck(2000/2008)의 동기이론을 중심으로 Theoritical Review on the Positive Behavioral Supports: with Focus on Motivational Theories of Dweck (2000/2008)
This study is aimed at exploring positive behavioral supports’ theories through Dweck (2000/2008)’s motivational theories. Positive behavioral supports’ theories have emphasis on helping students with special needs have success experience through modifying individual level and organization’s level, while Dweck (2000/2008)’s motivational theories suggest that experiencing repeated success through easy tasks is not to help improving self-esteem and learned helplessness. To have achieve this goal, 89 subjects were selected including nonmulticultural and multicultural elementary students among 4∼6 grades through Likert scale questions, with exploring correlation among perceptions (changeable, unchangeable) on intellectual abilities, confidence and feedback behaviors scales. Conclusions from results and discussions are that this study supports mostly positive behavioral supports’ theories, not Dweck (2000/2008)’s motivational theories. First, perspective on unchangable intelligence is significantly correlated to unconfidence, self-doubt, and helplessnes to new tasks. Second, students do not have different perspective between efforts praises and abilities praises after task. Third, students with multicultural family think that aversive stimulus was associated to failed tasks, than not multicultural. Four, 4th’ grade students have more high confidence than 5th’s students. Suggestions are as follows. First, we need to accept positive behavioral supports’ theories to pupils with disabilities. We need continually to explore Dweck (2000/2008)’s motivational theories with increasing subjects.
미술치료전공 석사과정생의 발달장애아동 현장실습 체험연구 A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Graduate Students Majoring in Art Therapy with Children with Developmental Disabilities
미술치료전공 석사과정생의 발달장애아동 현장실습 체험연구 A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Graduate Students Majoring in Art Therapy with Children with Developmental Disabilities
The study aims to illustrate field experiences for children with developmental disorder which graduate schoolers majoring in art therapy have had and shed light on the ultimate nature and significance of such experience in a graphic and detailed way. Considering this, this study involved Max van Manen's interpretational phenomenal research method to set up and perform research stages and procedures. After that, the study, in an effort to collect relevant data, performed one-on-one in-depth interview with a total of six study participants who ever experienced field experience program aimed at children with developmental disorder as art therapy M.A. course takers, M.A. degree holders and graduate schoolers. Based on the collected data, 8 naturistic topics and 19 sub-topics as be drawn as result. The students start their art therapy field placement without practical knowledge about developmentally challenged child, but they learn to understand the child through many trial errors. And they try to affect them in positive ways through art therapy as a therapist, making themselves evolve as a specialists in art therapy.
Key Words
발달장애아동, 미술치료전공 석사과정생, 미술치료, 현장실습, 체험연구, 해석학적 현상학적 연구, Children with Developmental Disabilities, Graduate Student Majoring in Art Therapy, Art Therapy, Field Practice, Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study
발달장애인을 재활체육 보조지도자로 육성하기 위한 교육 구성 요인의 상대적 중요도 분석 Relative Importance of Education Component Factors for Training Rehabilitation Physical Activity Assistants with Developmental Disability
발달장애인을 재활체육 보조지도자로 육성하기 위한 교육 구성 요인의 상대적 중요도 분석 Relative Importance of Education Component Factors for Training Rehabilitation Physical Activity Assistants with Developmental Disability
In this study, we analyze the important factors and priorities of the curriculum necessary to train people with developmental disabilities who have strength and talent in the fields of rehabilitation physical education and sports as assistant instructors in the field of rehabilitation physical education. Its purpose is to provide the basic materials necessary for the composition of the curriculum. Through research reports, previous research, analysis of video data of many programs such as special physical education and rehabilitation physical education, the subject and composition of basic educational courses are confirmed, and Delphi surveys are conducted for rehabilitation physical education specialists. An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) study was conducted to analyze the key factors in the composition of education and to verify its reliability and validity. The research results are first derived into the following six educational components through the Delphi technique, and the main contents are basic motor skills, physical manipulation skills, compete, sports, games, sensation and perception. The priorities of the factors that make up the education for developing a person with developmental disabilities as a rehabilitation physical education assistant instructor displayed through the second layer analysis (AHP) are basic motor skills, physical manipulation skills, compete, sports, games, sensation and perception. Through the analysis of the relative importance of the components of education, it is considered to be a basic material for the systematic and professional training of rehabilitation physical education assistant leaders for persons with developmental disabilities.
Key Words
발달장애인, 재활체육 보조지도자, 교육 구성 요인, People with Developmental Disability, Rehabilitation Physical Activity Assistants, Education Component
발달장애 학부모의 성인전환기 인식과 부모 역할 및 지원 요구에 관한 초점집단면담 연구 A Focus Group Interview Study Examining Perceptions, Parental Roles, and Support Needs of Parents of Students with Developmental Disabilities During the Transition to Adulthood
발달장애 학부모의 성인전환기 인식과 부모 역할 및 지원 요구에 관한 초점집단면담 연구 A Focus Group Interview Study Examining Perceptions, Parental Roles, and Support Needs of Parents of Students with Developmental Disabilities During the Transition to Adulthood
The purpose of this study was to provide basic information to seek an effective support system for students with developmental disabilities and their parents by examining perceptions, roles, and support needs of parents of students with developmental disabilities during the transition to adulthood. Sixteen parents of high school seniors and post-high school specialized vocational program students who enrolled in the S Special-Education School participated in the study, and two focus groups (day activity team and vocational life team) were conducted based on the study participants' career interest. All collected data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using a cross-case analysis. Based on the qualitative analysis, a total of 3 themes, 8 categories, and 24 subcategories were emerged as follows: Awareness of adult transition period (unprepared adult transition period, lack of understanding of adult transition period and expectation), Parental role during the transition to adulthood (effort to change adult perception, transition planning and practice, efforts to live independent life), and Support needs during the transition to adulthood (stable career support, family support). Results will be used as basic information and follow-up studies for special education curriculum, parent support, career and vocational policies to support a smooth transition to adulthood of students with developmental disabilities.
Key Words
발달장애 학생과 부모, 성인전환기, 부모의 역할과 요구, 초점집단면담, Students with Developmental Disabilities and Their Parents, Transition to Adulthood, Roles and Needs of Parents, Focus Group Interview
발달재활서비스의 언어치료 경험에 따른 부모 상담 현황과 언어재활 효과성 인식 조사 연구 A Study on the Perception of Parent Counseling Status and Language Rehabilitation Effectiveness according to Language Therapy Experience of Developmental Rehabilitation Services
발달재활서비스의 언어치료 경험에 따른 부모 상담 현황과 언어재활 효과성 인식 조사 연구 A Study on the Perception of Parent Counseling Status and Language Rehabilitation Effectiveness according to Language Therapy Experience of Developmental Rehabilitation Services
This study was conducted to investigate the perception of the effectiveness and the counselor counseling that could affect the relationship between language rehabilitation and caregivers, and to provide basic data for providing more effective language rehabilitation. This study conducted frequency analysis to identify the characteristics of the subjects and the actual condition of counseling. One-way ANOVA was conducted to find out the difference in the perception of effectiveness according to the treatment period. The post-hoc analysis was conducted by Bonferroni, and the correlation analysis was conducted to find out the correlation between the items of effectiveness recognition. The status of verbal rehabilitation parent counseling was mainly after treatment, the frequency of counseling was every session, and the main counseling contents were about the treatment contents and results within the treatment session, and the main counseling method was face-to-face counseling. In the survey on the perception of language rehabilitation effectiveness, the caregivers were found to have a high degree of recognition that the language rehabilitation process has an effect on communication ability, sociality, self-esteem, self-understanding, class adaptability, improvement of learning ability and life stress. The difference between the perception of language therapy effect according to the language rehabilitation period was also examined, and the awareness of effectiveness was increased as the language rehabilitation period was longer. 'How much do you know about language therapy?' item was correlated with other effective items. In order to improve the therapeutic relationship between caregiver and language rehabilitation, counseling through various methods should be provided in the counseling of caregivers in order to maximize the effect of language rehabilitation, and information related to language rehabilitation should be provided in the counseling of caregivers to raise awareness of language rehabilitation.
Key Words
부모 상담, 언어재활, 효과성 인식, Parental Counseling, Language Rehabilitation Perception, Effectiveness Perception
사회과와 연계한 Strong Kids 프로그램이 지적장애 고등학생의 사회정서적 유능성에 미치는 영향 The Effects of the Strong Kids Program Integrated with Social Study Education on the Social Emotional Competence of High School Students with Intellectual Disabilities
사회과와 연계한 Strong Kids 프로그램이 지적장애 고등학생의 사회정서적 유능성에 미치는 영향 The Effects of the Strong Kids Program Integrated with Social Study Education on the Social Emotional Competence of High School Students with Intellectual Disabilities
A research question has been established to investigate the effects of Strong Kids Program linked with social studies on social emotional competence of high school students with intellectual disability. Among nine high school students with intellectual disability attending a special-education school located in B city selected as study participants, one-group pretest/posttest have been performed. The intervention applied was a combination of achievement standards, chapters and content analysis of social studies curriculum with an adapted and revised version of Strong Kids Program developed in the U.S.A total of 21 sessions of the intervention have taken place for 40 minutes in each class of social studies. The study results show that Strong Kids Program linked with the subject of social studies have affected statistically significant changes in emotion perception, emotion expression, interpersonal skills, and social problem solving of high school students with intellectual disability, whereas no significant changes have been found in emotion regulation, and understanding of social knowledge. However, positive changes in the students’ social emotional competence have been observed through the qualitative analysis of videos recorded during classes. In conclusion, it has been advised that there would be possibilities for a social emotional learning program linked with the subject of social studies to be adopted and utilized in settings of special education.
Key Words
지적장애 고등학생, 사회정서적 유능성, Strong Kids 프로그램, 사회 교과, High School Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Strong Kids Program, Social Studies, Social Emotional Competence
사회성기술 프로그램이 발달장애 성인의 사회행동, 대인관계, 우울에 미치는 영향 Effects of Social Skills Program on Social Behavior, Interpersonal Relationships, and Depression in Adults with Developmental Disabilities
이원희 Weon-hee Lee , 곽승철 Seoung-chul Kwak , 이하영 Ha-young Lee , 정다예 Da-ye Jeong
사회성기술 프로그램이 발달장애 성인의 사회행동, 대인관계, 우울에 미치는 영향 Effects of Social Skills Program on Social Behavior, Interpersonal Relationships, and Depression in Adults with Developmental Disabilities
이원희 Weon-hee Lee , 곽승철 Seoung-chul Kwak , 이하영 Ha-young Lee , 정다예 Da-ye Jeong
This study investigated effects of a social skills program on social behavior, interpersonal relationships, and depression of adults with developmental disabilities. For this study purpose, a single-group pre-post study method was applied for a total of 21 weeks. Subjects of this study were 12 adults with developmental disabilities and 10 of their parents. As result of the study, the social skills program showed significant differences in the social behavior and the interpersonal relationships of the adults with developmental disabilities, but no significant differences in the depression. Specific results for each sub-factor are as follows. First, significant differences were found in all sub-factors such as verbal behavior, non-verbal behavior, and conversation content in social behavior. Second, there were significant differences in trust, openness, and understanding in interpersonal relationships, but no significant differences in satisfaction, communication, intimacy, and sensitivity. Third, the post-score was lower than the pre-score in all sub-factors such as negative thoughts about self and the future, worries and agitation, depressed mood, physical symptoms, and loss of motivation in depression, but there was no significant difference statistically. Based on these results, the direction of social skills education for adults with developmental disabilities was discussed.
Key Words
사회성기술, 발달장애 성인, 사회행동, 대인관계, 우울, Social Skills, Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Social Behavior, Interpersonal Relationships, Depression
유치원 통합학급 지체장애유아의 자유놀이 지원경험에 대한 질적 연구 A Qualitative Study on the Experience of Supporting Free Play for Young Children with Physical Disabilities in Kindergarten Integrated Classes
유치원 통합학급 지체장애유아의 자유놀이 지원경험에 대한 질적 연구 A Qualitative Study on the Experience of Supporting Free Play for Young Children with Physical Disabilities in Kindergarten Integrated Classes
The purpose of this study is to investigate the play characteristics of children with physical disabilities and their demands for interactive play support with peers through interviews with kindergarten teachers on the experiences of supporting free play for children with physical disabilities in kindergarten integrated classes. In accordance with the purpose of this study, individual in-depth interviews were conducted with nine kindergarten teachers who had experience in caring for children with physical disabilities in an integrated kindergarten class. A sub-topic was derived. First, regarding the play characteristics of children with physical disabilities, although there are differences according to the type and characteristics of the disability, it was found that they wanted the same play activities as their peers. Second, it was found that although conflict situations occur in the play process due to the disability of children with physical disabilities, children with physical disabilities find their roles in the process of time adaptation, and that children of the same age also improve their disability acceptance attitude. Third, as teachers supported children with physical disabilities, their competence for inclusive education was also improved. In addition, they suggested improvement directions such as reinforcement of teaching environment and support personnel for children with physical disabilities.
Key Words
유치원, 장애유아 통합교육, 지체장애, 자유놀이, Kindergarten, Inclusive Education for Young Children with Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, Free Play
자폐스펙트럼장애 학생의 요구하기 기술에 관한 국내 단일대상연구 대상 질적 지표 기반 문헌 연구 Literature Review of Single-Subject Design Studies on Requesting Skills of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder based on Quality Indicators
자폐스펙트럼장애 학생의 요구하기 기술에 관한 국내 단일대상연구 대상 질적 지표 기반 문헌 연구 Literature Review of Single-Subject Design Studies on Requesting Skills of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder based on Quality Indicators
The purpose of this study was to explore the effective intervention method based on scientific evidence by evaluating the evidence-based practice on the requesting skills of students with autism spectrum disorder. For this purpose, among the studies published from 2000 to 2020, the experimental research conducted to improve the requesting technology was used as the analysis paper. By using search terms such as ‘autism spectrum disorder,’ ‘ASD,’ ‘autism,’ ‘communication,’ and ‘requesting,’ the target papers were searched, and finally 23 studies were selected as the analysis papers. As a result of the study, all 23 previous studies used a single-subject research method, and as an independent variable, reinforced environment-oriented language intervention was used the most. As results of evaluating previous studies that mediated requesting skills for children with autism spectrum disorder by Horner et al. (2005)'s standards, As target papers for evaluating evidence-based practice, the research that met the criteria included six studies; 4 studies used enhanced environment-oriented language intervention, 1 study used environment-oriented language intervention, and 1 study used PECS. Based on these results, the reinforced environment-oriented language intervention was analyzed to have the highest potential as evidence-based practice. Based on the above results, suggestions for follow-up studies were proposed along with discussion.
Key Words
자폐스펙트럼장애 학생, 요구하기 기술, 질적 지표, 증거기반실제, Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Requesting Skills, Quality Indicators, Evidence-Based Practice
특수교사의 발달장애 학생 스마트폰 사용에 대한 인식 -수도권을 중심으로- Special Education Teachers' Perceptions on Smartphone Use of Students with Developmental Disabilities - Focusing on Special Education Teacher in the Metropolitan Area -
특수교사의 발달장애 학생 스마트폰 사용에 대한 인식 -수도권을 중심으로- Special Education Teachers' Perceptions on Smartphone Use of Students with Developmental Disabilities - Focusing on Special Education Teacher in the Metropolitan Area -
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of special education teachers on the use of smartphones by students with developmental disabilities and their effects on development and learning. The research method was a questionnaire survey targeting special education teachers who educate students with developmental disabilities in the metropolitan area. We analyzed the data of 197 special education teachers, including 60 special education teachers for elementary school courses, 59 special teachers for middle school courses, 58 special teachers for high school courses, and 20 special education teachers for major courses. As a result of the study, first, 99% of special education teachers who participated in the use of smartphones by students with developmental disabilities responded positively. Special teachers requested support such as education on how to use smartphones (28.4%), development of applications that can be used in daily life (25.4%), and development of easy-to-use smartphones (22.3%) to activate smartphones for students with developmental disabilities. Second, it was recognized that the use of smartphones partially had a positive effect (M=3.23) on the development and learning of students with developmental disabilities. As a result, in order to promote the use of smartphones by students with developmental disabilities, it was necessary to revise the curriculum to include guidance on smartphone use, and to develop applications and support systems that students with developmental disabilities can use in social activities.
특수교사의 직무스트레스 척도개발 및 타당화 -발달장애 학생 지도 교사를 중심으로- Development and Validity of Job Stress Scale for Special Education Teachers - A Study on the Teachers’ Teaching for Students with Developmental Disabilities -
유준석 Jun-suk Ryu , 김성철 Seong-cheol Kim , 김미경 Mi-kyong Kim
특수교사의 직무스트레스 척도개발 및 타당화 -발달장애 학생 지도 교사를 중심으로- Development and Validity of Job Stress Scale for Special Education Teachers - A Study on the Teachers’ Teaching for Students with Developmental Disabilities -
유준석 Jun-suk Ryu , 김성철 Seong-cheol Kim , 김미경 Mi-kyong Kim
This paper aims to develop special education teachers' job stress scale and to prove its validity. There are the 271 incumbent special education teachers in Incheon who participate in the study. They are all interested in developmental disabilities, intellectual and autistic disorders, being in charge of the classes in schools for the disabled. This paper investigates a few pilot studies to extract questions of the questionnaire established in the paper and verifies the validity of contents through a preliminary questionnaire. After processing the data through IBM SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0, It conducts an exploratory analysis, a correlation analysis and confirmatory analysis by applying the findings of the data processing. As a result, the questionnaire consists of 15 questions in reference to 5 low factors -special education teachers' relation with their students, relation with their parents of student and relation with managers, their administrative tasks and internal conflict with themselves-. The analysis result model proves to be a valid tool to measure special education teachers' job stress by confirming the validity and credibility of special education teachers' job stress scale.
직무포스터 제작 및 직무모의교수 앱 활용을 통한 중재가 전공과 지적장애학생의 주방보조직무기술에 미치는 효과 The Effects of Intervention through the Producing Job Posters and Using Job Simulation Teaching Apps on the Kitchen Assistance Job Skills of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Majoring Courses
직무포스터 제작 및 직무모의교수 앱 활용을 통한 중재가 전공과 지적장애학생의 주방보조직무기술에 미치는 효과 The Effects of Intervention through the Producing Job Posters and Using Job Simulation Teaching Apps on the Kitchen Assistance Job Skills of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Majoring Courses
This study was conducted to verify the effect of intervention through the production of job posters and the use of job simulation teaching apps on the kitchen assistance job skills of students with intellectual disabilities in majoring courses. The subjects of the study consisted of three students with intellectual disabilities enrolled in the majoring courses of a special school, and the experimental environment consisted of a classroom in the majoring courses and a kitchen in the restaurant business. The study design used a multiple baseline across subjects technique among subjects in a single subject research, and the experimental conditions consisted of baseline, intervention, maintenance, and generalization. The independent variable consisted of a procedure in which job poster production centered on task analysis of kitchen assistance job skills, including job performance status, utilization facilities, tools, and materials, and job simulation teaching using smart apps were interconnected. The dependent variable was defined as the performance of auxiliary work in the kitchen of a restaurant business with vietnamese spring rolls as its main menu, and a total of 10 sub-steps were constructed through task analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that the study subjects effectively acquired and generalized kitchen assistance job skills through intervention programs.