발달장애 학생 대상 산림복지 프로그램 효과분석 도구 개발 Development of Tools for Effectiveness Analysis of Forest Welfare Programs for Students with Developmental Disabilities
김화수 Wha-soo Kim , 이주현 Ju-hyeon Lee , 이주원 Ju-won Lee
발달장애 학생 대상 산림복지 프로그램 효과분석 도구 개발 Development of Tools for Effectiveness Analysis of Forest Welfare Programs for Students with Developmental Disabilities
김화수 Wha-soo Kim , 이주현 Ju-hyeon Lee , 이주원 Ju-won Lee
This study aims to develop tools for assessing the effectiveness of a forest welfare program targeting students with developmental disabilities. To develop the effectiveness analysis tool, item development, validity verification, and reliability verification were conducted. An analysis of existing language proficiency assessment tools was also performed to establish the implementation method. A total of 55 items were developed, including 12 vocabulary items, 13 sentence comprehension items, and 30 communication items based on forest-related vocabulary and scales for assessing communication attitudes and skills. A pilot study with students with developmental disabilities was conducted to confirm the implementation method and item difficulty. Based on the results, the tool was reconstructed with 10 vocabulary items, 10 sentence comprehension items, and 10 communication items. Content validity was assessed using the content validity index, and it was appropriate to be 0.88 or higher in sentence comprehension and communication items and the overall content validity index for all items was 0.95, indicating validity. The content validity of each picture was judged to be appropriate with 0.78 or more except for two items, and the overall content validity of the picture was 0.90, which was found to be valid. The internal consistency of the tool was examined, presenting acceptable consistency for vocabulary, communication, and sentence comprehension (0.619). Test-retest reliability results showed significant and high correlations between the first and second test results for vocabulary (0.967), sentence comprehension (0.974), and communication (0.956). This study is meaningful in that it created test items for easy participation of students with developmental disabilities in assessments, providing a foundation for analyzing the effects of a forest welfare program on language abilities. Given the association between expressive language skills in individuals with developmental disabilities and self-determination and quality of life, it is anticipated that this effectiveness analysis tool will serve as foundational data for quality forest welfare program support to enhance language characteristics and improve the quality of life for students with developmental disabilities.
Key Words
발달장애, 산림복지 프로그램, 효과분석 도구, 의사소통, Developmental Disabilities, Forest Welfare Programs, Tools for Effectiveness Analysis, Communication
발달장애인 평생교육 프로그램 평가지표의 내용타당도 검증 연구 A Study to Verify the Content Validity of Evaluation Indicators for Lifelong Education Programs for People with Developmental Disabilities
김원호 Won-ho Kim , 황수연 Su-yeon Hwang , 박지석 Ji-seok Park
발달장애인 평생교육 프로그램 평가지표의 내용타당도 검증 연구 A Study to Verify the Content Validity of Evaluation Indicators for Lifelong Education Programs for People with Developmental Disabilities
김원호 Won-ho Kim , 황수연 Su-yeon Hwang , 박지석 Ji-seok Park
This study was conducted to construct evaluation factors for lifelong education program evaluation indicators for people with developmental disabilities that can be used in the process of restructuring and operating a national-level lifelong education program for people with developmental disabilities and to verify content validity. To construct evaluation factors, lifelong education programs for people with developmental disabilities developed at the national level and previous studies were reviewed. To verify content validity, 18 experts in lifelong education for people with disabilities were selected as an expert panel and four rounds of Delphi survey were conducted. Research results show 11 evaluation factors and 63 questions including accessibility, sustainability, economic feasibility, program composition considering life cycle, universality, centrality of social relationships, centrality of daily life, centrality of community, learner's defining characteristics, learner-centeredness, and learner-centered evaluation. The content validity of was verified. Through the research results, the timing of using evaluation indicators for each factor and item was discussed, and follow-up research was suggested to verify the construct validity of the evaluation indicators developed through this study and apply them to cases.
Independence and Life Satisfaction among Adults with Developmental Disabilities: A Comparison between Young Adults and Middle-aged and Older Adults 발달장애인의 자립과 삶의 만족도: 청년 집단과 중고령 집단 비교
Independence and Life Satisfaction among Adults with Developmental Disabilities: A Comparison between Young Adults and Middle-aged and Older Adults 발달장애인의 자립과 삶의 만족도: 청년 집단과 중고령 집단 비교
This study aimed to investigate differences in independence and life satisfaction between young adults with developmental disabilities and middle-aged and older adults with developmental disabilities, and the causation between them by using data from the 2022 ‘Survey on the Work & Life of Persons with Developmentally Disabilities’. A total of 2,518 adults aged 19 years and older were extracted, including 1,681 young adults with developmental disabilities and 827 middle-aged and older adults with developmental disabilities. The results are following. It was, first, found that the group of young people with developmental disabilities had a higher level of life satisfaction, cognitive ability, self-determination, and social participation, which are the components of independence than those of older people with developmental disabilities. Second, activities of daily living, self-determination, language comprehension, and social participation were significant indicators of life satisfaction of young people with developmental disabilities, and the life satisfaction of middle-aged and elderly people with developmental disabilities was affected by self- determination and social participation. Therefore, the factors of independence influencing life satisfaction in each group were not the same. The implications of these results were presented in the conclusion.
Key Words
발달장애, 생애주기, 자립, 삶의 만족도, Developmental Disabilities, Life Span, Independence, Life Satisfaction
발달장애인의 장애수용이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 자아존중감의 매개효과 Effect of Disability Acceptance on Life Satisfaction among People with Developmental Disabilities: Focusing on Mediating Effects of Self-esteem
발달장애인의 장애수용이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 자아존중감의 매개효과 Effect of Disability Acceptance on Life Satisfaction among People with Developmental Disabilities: Focusing on Mediating Effects of Self-esteem
To date, people with developmental disabilities have tended not to be recognized as independent, even though they are adults, due to characteristics such as developmental delay. Therefore, more research has been conducted focusing on environmental factors and support rather than their psychological cognitive factors. So, this study focused on psycho-cognitive factors in the overall quality of life of people with developmental disabilities to investigate the impact of disability acceptance on life satisfaction and to see if there is a mediating effect of self-esteem in the process. For analysis, this study tested the research hypothesis on 712 people with developmental disabilities who participated in the third year(2020) of ‘Life of People with Disabilities Panel Survey(LPDPS)’. As a result of the analysis, it is shown that the life satisfaction of people with developmental disabilities increased when their disability acceptance increased, and in the process, a partial mediating effect of self-esteem appeared. In other words, the psycho- cognitive factors of people with developmental disabilities also have a meaningful effect on their quality of life. On that basis, this study discussed policy and practical strategies to increase of disability acceptance and self-esteem of people with developmental disabilities.
Key Words
발달장애, 장애수용, 삶의 만족도, 자아존중감, 매개효과, Developmental Disability, Disability Acceptance, Life Satisfaction, Self-esteem, Mediating Effect
성인 발달장애인 부모의 자녀 양육과 자기 성장에 관한 존재론적 탐구 An Ontological Exploration of the Child Rearing and Self-Growth of Parents with Developmental Disabilities
This study used an ontological inquiry method to examine the experience and change process of parents of children with developmental disabilities in terms of how their child-rearing experiences affect self-growth. The research participant is a 5 6-year-old woman who is raising a 3 0-year-old adult child with developmental disabilities and is currently the director of the Developmental Disabilities Lifelong Education Center in City B. The study will be conducted once a week from September to December 2023 for 10 sessions of 60 minutes each session. The process of raising the child, the process of change in life, and the process of change until the child became an artist were conducted in an unstructured manner. As a researcher who has observed the lives of the researcher's family for a long time, I excluded stereotypes and prejudices and used materials such as verbatim interviews with participants, children's artwork, and observation notes to use ontological inquiry, which is one of the phenomenological research methods. We attempted to interpret the collected data according to the procedures of. As a result of the study, as a parent of a child with developmental disabilities, if in the past you lived with the complex feelings of 'sorry and despair' and 'the mind of trying to fill what is not filled', now you live with the feeling of 'unknown happiness and the love shared by your family thanks to your child'. The meaning of the future was derived from 'the desire for children to live and spread their talents in the world.' In conclusion, in the process of raising children with developmental disabilities, above all, there was a process of acknowledging and understanding each other as ‘me’ and dedication and effort as parents, allowing everyone to experience self-growth. And above all, ‘conversation’ and ‘trust’ between family members gave them the power of ‘invisible love’ and led them to healing and growth, and these experiences served as a strength that enabled everyone to live as ‘subjects of life’.
Key Words
성인 발달장애인, 자기 성장, 존재론적 탐구, Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Self-Growth, Ontological Exploration
성인발달장애인의 원예 보조강사 활동에 대한 적합성 연구 A Study on the Appropriateness of Gardening Assistant Instructor Activities of Adult Developmentally Disabled Persons
김윤희 Yun-hee Kim , 김주영 Ju-young Kim , 고언희 Eon-hee Go
This study started from the question of the job limitations of adult developmentally disabled people. Currently, adult developmentally disabled people perform simple and repetitive jobs at forest processing and manufacturing sites in the form of protective employment rather than choosing a job that suits their interests or individual abilities, which makes it difficult to maintain their jobs continuously. Therefore, this researcher aims to help the developmentally disabled to choose jobs and maintain jobs by conducting a study on the suitability of their jobs as assistants for horticulture education, where adult developmentally disabled people can experience professional achievement. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, four adults with developmental disabilities who are interested in horticulture and meet the requirements for the selection of assistant instructors were selected, and they performed the job of assistant instructors for horticulture education for 9 to 10 sessions for 2 hours per week in groups of 2 at two senior welfare centers located in Seoul. As a result of the study, it was found that job interest, self-efficacy, and job acquisition changed significantly. As two people participated in groups, there was a synergy effect that replaced each other's insufficient abilities. This is because the horticulture education assistant instructor job is considered suitable for the developmentally disabled, and if expanded in the future, more participation is expected to be possible. In addition, as revealed in this study, it was discovered that interest is as important as individual abilities and talents, and that it is more important than anything else to increase self-esteem by receiving social support as a professional rather than simple work as an assistant for the non-disabled. In the future, it is hoped that it will be a basic data for developing various occupational groups that can demonstrate the potential of people with developmental disabilities and be recognized as members of society.
Key Words
성인발달장애인, 원예보조강사, 직업경험, 장애인직무분석, 장애인직업흥미도, Adult Developmental Disabilities, Gardening Assistant Instructors, Job Experience, Job Analysis for the Disabled, Job Interest for the Disabled
성인발달장애자녀를 돌보는 부모의 삶의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인 Factors Influencing Life Satisfaction among Parents Caring for Adult Children with Developmental Disability
The purpose of this study is to examine sociodemographic, internal, external factors affecting life satisfaction among parents who care for their adult children with developmental disabilities. This study used the ‘2022 Work and Life Survey of Persons with Developmental Disabilities’ data and selected 2,020 parents out of a total of 3,000 respondents, hierachical regression analysis was conducted. This study found that as for socio-demographic factors, parents’ final education level; as for internal factors, subjective health of parents, care burden, self-reliance of adult children with developmental disabilities; and as for external factors, future plan for children, employment status of children, social participation of children, education participation of children were statistically significantly related to parents’ life satisfaction. Based on these findings, implications for increasing life satisfaction of parents who care for adult children with developmental disabilities were discussed.
Key Words
성인발달장애자녀를 돌보는 부모, 삶의 만족도, 인구사회학적요인, 내적요인, 외적요인, Parents Caring for Adult Children with Developmental Disability, Life Satisfaction, Sociodemographic Factors, Internal Factors, External Factors
신경다양성운동과 신경다양인의 교육에 관한 고찰: 장애의 사회적 모델, 인간 기능성 관점, 체화주의를 중심으로 A Review on the Neurodiversity Movement and Education for the Neurodivergent: Focus on Social Model of Disability, Human Functioning Perspective, and Embodimentism
신경다양성운동과 신경다양인의 교육에 관한 고찰: 장애의 사회적 모델, 인간 기능성 관점, 체화주의를 중심으로 A Review on the Neurodiversity Movement and Education for the Neurodivergent: Focus on Social Model of Disability, Human Functioning Perspective, and Embodimentism
This study aims to explore the direction of education for the neurodivergent by investigating the origins and implications of the neurodiversity movement and reviewing it through the lenses of the social model of disability, the human functioning perspective, and embodimentism. Neurodiversity movement is a kind of rights movement initiated voluntarily by individuals with high-functioning autism, demanding society to recognize the diversity arising from neurological differences in individuals with autism, rather than viewing their characteristics as deficits. The movement emphasizes the need for social support based on such diversity. The direction of education for the neurodivergent is as follows. First, it is necessary to shift the mainstreaming education to full inclusion education for full inclusion and participation of the neurodivergent. Of course, support for changes of mainstream education must be prerequisites for this. Second, it is essential to promote awareness about neurodiversity in educational settings and establish an education system that considers neurodiversity. Third, it is necessary to identify and support the needs of the neurodivergent, enabling them to maintain their functional states in educational settings. Fourth, it is necessary to expand post-secondary education for the neurodivergent. To achieve this, it is necessary to diversify post-secondary education, improve awareness about neurodiversity, and effectively implement person-centered education support plans.
Key Words
신경다양성운동, 장애의 사회적 관점, 인간 기능성 관점, 체화주의, Neurodiversity, Social Model of Disability, Human Functioning Perspective, Embodimentism
여성 발달장애인과 비장애인의 통합 자조모임 참여 경험 및 인식 고찰 A Study on the Experience and Perceptions of Women with Developmental Disabilities and Non-Disabled Women in Integrated Support Groups
박윤하 Yun-ha Park , 김승연 Seung-yeon Kim , 김지민 Ji-min Kim , 김주성 Ju-sung Kim , 이숙향 Suk-hyang Lee
여성 발달장애인과 비장애인의 통합 자조모임 참여 경험 및 인식 고찰 A Study on the Experience and Perceptions of Women with Developmental Disabilities and Non-Disabled Women in Integrated Support Groups
박윤하 Yun-ha Park , 김승연 Seung-yeon Kim , 김지민 Ji-min Kim , 김주성 Ju-sung Kim , 이숙향 Suk-hyang Lee
This study aims to understand the experiences and perceptions of women with developmental disabilities and non-disabled women participating in integrated support groups, and to identify the necessary elements for the operation of support groups involving both individuals with and without disabilities. To achieve this, individual interviews were conducted based on a questionnaire developed for 12 women with developmental disabilities and non-disabled women participating in integrated support groups. Through the analysis of interview data, six major themes and 25 sub-themes were derived: "Initiation and Identity of the Group," "Benefits of the Group," "Challenges in Group Operation," "Difficulties in Group Participation," "Relationships and Roles within the Group," and "Necessities for the Sustainable Operation of Support Groups." Integrated support groups have strengthened the awareness of disabled women regarding climate crisis and contributed to the formation of equal relationships between disabled and non-disabled women. Participants have had positive experiences through group activities; however, the lack of financial, temporal, and spatial resources for the sustainable operation of the groups has been identified as a problem. Therefore, it suggests that systematic financial support, role allocation and expansion of participants, and social efforts to recognize and support the vulnerability of women and people with disabilities in climate crisis and social justice are necessary for the sustainable operation and expansion of integrated support groups.
Key Words
자조모임, 장애 여성, 발달장애, 환경, 기후위기, Support Group, Women with Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities, Environment, Climate Crisis
장애통합어린이집 보육교사가 작성한 개별화교육계획(IEP) 종단 질적 연구 Longitudinal Qualitative Study of Individualized Education Program (IEP) Written by Childcare Teachers in an Integrated Daycare Center
장애통합어린이집 보육교사가 작성한 개별화교육계획(IEP) 종단 질적 연구 Longitudinal Qualitative Study of Individualized Education Program (IEP) Written by Childcare Teachers in an Integrated Daycare Center
This study attempted to examine how individualized education plans (IEPs) written by childcare teachers for children with disabilities at an integrated daycare center change in practice over time through a longitudinal qualitative study. Individualized education plans (IEPs) of four children with disabilities were collected and changes were qualitatively analyzed over four semesters. As a result, when the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for children with disabilities was first established, some contents were fixed and continued throughout the subsequent semesters, but some contents were planned and implemented by modifying the existing contents. Based on the results of this study, implications for improving the quality of future Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) were discussed.
Key Words
특수교육, 통합교육, 보육교사, 개별화교육계획, 질적연구, Special Education, Inclusion, Individualized Educational Plan, Childcare Teacher, Qualitative Study
장애인주간보호시설 종사자의 발달장애인 자기결정권 지원 경험에 관한 연구 A Study on the Experience of Supporting the Right to Self-Determination of Persons with Developmental Disabilities by Social Workers at Day Care Centers for Disabled Persons
장애인주간보호시설 종사자의 발달장애인 자기결정권 지원 경험에 관한 연구 A Study on the Experience of Supporting the Right to Self-Determination of Persons with Developmental Disabilities by Social Workers at Day Care Centers for Disabled Persons
This study aimed to examine the practical experiences of social workers working at day care facilities for the disabled in supporting the self-determination rights of people with developmental disabilities who have communication difficulties. This study aimed to examine the practical experiences of social workers working at day care facilities for the disabled in supporting the self-determination rights of people with developmental disabilities who have communication difficulties. As a result of the study, 66 concepts were derived, and by integrating these concepts, 23 subcategories and 8 categories were derived. The eight categories are ‘positive changes in workers through support for self-determination rights’, ‘efforts to promote support for self-determination rights’, ‘hindering factors from the employee side’, ‘hindering factors from the guardian side’, ‘hindering factors from the institution side’, It appeared as ‘inhibiting factors in the environmental aspect’, ‘positive changes in the user aspect’, and ‘inhibiting factors in the user aspect’. It was found to be an 'impediment factor from the environmental aspect', 'a positive change from the user aspect', and 'an impediment factor from the user aspect'. Based on this, suggestions for supporting the right to self-determination of people with developmental disabilities in day care facilities for the disabled include workers' It is necessary to strengthen capacity, produce a manual to support self-determination rights, and establish an environment and support system where self-determination rights can be exercised.
Key Words
발달장애인, 자기결정권, 장애인주간보호센터, 종사자, 사회복지사, 지원, Developmental Disabilities, Right to Self-Determination, Day Care Facility for the Disabled, Practician, Social Worker, Support
전국 장애학생 e페스티벌에 대한 장애학생의 인식 및 요구 Perceptions and Demands of Students with Disabilities Regarding the National Disability Student e-Festival
This study was conducted to provide fundamental data for the activation of the National Disability Student e-Festival (hereinafter referred to as 'e-Festival'), a nationwide information technology event, which is the largest of its kind participated in by students with disabilities affiliated with special schools. To achieve this, a survey was conducted on 78 students who participated in the e-Festival, focusing on their perceptions and demands related to the e-Festival, including awareness, current status, satisfaction, and areas for improvement. The responses were analyzed using frequency analysis, t-tests, and crosstabulation. The results of this study are as follows. First, students with disabilities exhibited an awareness of the e-Festival at a level above average. The most common source of awareness was 'recommendation by school teachers,' and the primary reason for participation was 'interest.' Furthermore, when asked about their preferred categories for participation, 'SW coding and robot coding' ranked highest in the Information Contest, while 'sports (physical activity) categories' ranked highest in the e-Sports Contest. The most frequently cited challenge in participation was 'lack of practice partners.' Second, students with disabilities generally expressed positive satisfaction with the e-Festival. They expressed the highest interest in the introduction of new categories such as 'video production' in the Information Contest and 'metaverse-based categories' in the e-Sports Contest. Regarding support for participating students, the highest response was for 'expanding category choices,' and for improvements to promote school participation, 'improvements considering the students' age and developmental stage' received the highest response. Based on these results, recommendations for the operation and enhancement of the National Disability Student e-Festival have been provided.
Key Words
장애학생, 전국 장애학생 e페스티벌, 정보화 대회, e스포츠대회, Students with Disabilities, National Disability Student e-Festival, Information Technology Contest, e-Sports Contest
증강현실을 활용한 조음 지도 기반 읽기 중재가 발달장애 학생의 문자 해독에 미치는 효과 The Effects of an Articulation Instruction-based Reading Intervention Using Augmented Reality on Letter Decoding of Students with Developmental Disabilities
증강현실을 활용한 조음 지도 기반 읽기 중재가 발달장애 학생의 문자 해독에 미치는 효과 The Effects of an Articulation Instruction-based Reading Intervention Using Augmented Reality on Letter Decoding of Students with Developmental Disabilities
Students with developmental disabilities have difficulties reading because of constraints on attention, imitation, transfer, and generalization. Against this background, we devised an articulation instructionbased reading intervention using augmented reality in order to investigate the effects of this intervention on these students’ vocabulary, articulation accuracy, and letter-decoding abilities. The reading intervention consisted of a total of nine stages with the basic unit of syllable, according to the order of Korean articulation and phonological development. In each stage, we considered the linguistic unit, location, context, and articulatory features of the target syllable for the transfer of the target syllable-decoding. A total of 26 interventions were conducted with “Multiple Probe Design across Subjects” for three students with developmental disabilities. Vocabulary ability and articulation accuracy were tested before and after the intervention. In addition, the correct response rate of the target syllable for each session was analyzed using a visual analysis method for letter decoding. The results of our study showed that these interventions based on articulation instruction using augmented reality had a positive effect on the receptive vocabulary ability, articulation accuracy, and letter decoding of students with developmental disabilities. These results suggested that the order of learning in pronunciation-oriented reading instruction could be effective in following the order of Korean articulation and phonological development. Moreover, the results suggested that it is effective to consider the location and context, linguistic units, and articulatory features in learning content for the transfer of a target syllable in reading instructions for students with developmental disabilities. Finally, we confirmed that learning performance of students with developmental disabilities could differ depending on the learning medium. Therefore, we proposed that using various digital media, special educators teach the students.
Key Words
문자 해독, 발달장애, 조음 지도, 증강현실, Articulation Instruction, Augmented Reality, Developmental Disabilities, Letter Decoding
G광역시 특수교육지원센터 역할 및 운영과 특수교육원 설립에 대한 장애인 부모들의 인식 연구 G Metropolitan Special Education Support Center Role and Operation Division Research on the Perceptions of the Parents of Persons with Disabilities on the Establishment of Special Education Centers
G광역시 특수교육지원센터 역할 및 운영과 특수교육원 설립에 대한 장애인 부모들의 인식 연구 G Metropolitan Special Education Support Center Role and Operation Division Research on the Perceptions of the Parents of Persons with Disabilities on the Establishment of Special Education Centers
The study was conducted to investigate the perceptions of parents of children with disabilities as part of a basic survey for the establishment of a special education support center based on the role and operation of the G Metropolitan City. For this purpose, from 2022 to February 2023, opinions on awareness were collected by answering 105 questionnaires. The questionnaire included the respondents' basic information, awareness and experience of special education, awareness and demands for establishing special education centers, and suggestions for revitalizing special education centers. The main perceptions and demands of the parents include: Expanding the educational support and services for the persons eligible for special education, overcoming time and space limitations in the operation of facilities, direct parent education at the level of special education support centers, and experience through program planning for each individual's life cycle. It can be summarized as strengthening activities. Based on the opinions of parents, the direction of development and proposals for the establishment of special education centers were presented.
Key Words
특수교육원 설립, 장애인 부모, 인식 연구, 통합교육, Establishment of Special Education Support Center, Parents of Children with Disabilities, Awareness Research, Inclusive Education
하노이탑 게임이 경도지적 장애와 ADHD 복합증상 청소년의 실행기능에 미치는 효과 Effects of Hanoi Top Games on the Executive Function of Adolescents with Mild Intellectual Disorder and ADHD Complex Symptoms
하노이탑 게임이 경도지적 장애와 ADHD 복합증상 청소년의 실행기능에 미치는 효과 Effects of Hanoi Top Games on the Executive Function of Adolescents with Mild Intellectual Disorder and ADHD Complex Symptoms
This study is a single case study conducted to improve the executive function of adolescents with mild intellectual disability and A DHD complex symptoms, that is, to improve inhibitory ability, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. A total of 20 sessions was conducted twice a week from May 1 to July 30, 2023, using the Hanoi Top Game as a prefrontal training program to improve the executive function. The main focus of the Hanoi Top Game is to activate the prefrontal function by improving the executive function that has a significant influence on the success of problem-solving, that is, inhibitory ability, working memory and cognitive flexibility, so that a wide variety of complex thinking can be made. As a pre-posttest, K-WISC-Ⅳ's working memory, neuropsychological tests (Visual-CPT, Auditory-CPT, Digit Span), and Raven test were performed. The research results are as follows; first, the inhibitory ability was improved as a result of the pre- and posttest of Visual-CPT and Auditory-CPT. Second, there was no significant change in the working memory and Digit Span in the Wechsler scale of intelligence. Third, the evaluation value through the Raven intelligence test decreased slightly. These results suggest that Hanoi Top Game training improved the subject's executive function, partially increasing the inhibitory ability. However, there was no improved change in working memory and cognitive flexibility, which seems to require more time for therapeutic intervention. Since this study is a single case study, it is limited to generalization, and it is suggested that sufficient training time is required to improve each area such as inhibition ability, working memory, and cognitive flexibility in the executive function, and various intervention methods need to be developed.
Key Words
실행기능, 억제능력, 하노이탑 게임, Executive Function, Inhibitory Ability, Hanoi Top Game
발달장애인 생애주기 기반 맞춤고용 문화 관점에서 본 지원센터와 평생교육센터 간 통합 연계 운영 방략 탐색 Exploring Strategies for Integrated Linkage Operation Between Support Centers and Lifelong Education Centers from the Perspective of a Culture of Life Cycle-Based Customized Employment for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
발달장애인 생애주기 기반 맞춤고용 문화 관점에서 본 지원센터와 평생교육센터 간 통합 연계 운영 방략 탐색 Exploring Strategies for Integrated Linkage Operation Between Support Centers and Lifelong Education Centers from the Perspective of a Culture of Life Cycle-Based Customized Employment for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
The purpose of this study is to explore an integrated linkage operation strategy between support centers and lifelong education centers according to the cultural perspective of life cycle-based customized employment for persons with developmental disabilities. As a research method for this purpose, this study used FGI by selecting as participants professionals working in support centers and lifelong education centers for PDDs. Although customized employment is actively implemented in the current employment service field to support independent living for PDDs, this study explored the possibility that employment for PDDs can be managed over a longer period of time based on independent living routines during the adult life cycle. The employment problem for PDDs can be generalized to adulthood independent life by establishing integrated management system with welfare and education field as well as in the category of employment service field. In other words, reflecting the functional significance or results of customized employment in terms of employment based on the job of the business can not guarantee integration into adult society including full independent life for PDDs. In terms of prerequisites or linkages that can recognize the above perspective as important, this study recognizes that customized employment in the current employment service field requires a restructured cultural perspective that can prolong the independent life for PDDs. In addition, based on this, it was recognized that integrated linkage operation strategies between support centers and lifelong education centers for PDDs should be prepared. Through this, the strategies and conditions for the two institutions to actively reflect the perspective of independent life based on employability linkage for PDDs by integrating and operating the Individualized Support Plan (ISP) and the Individualized Lifelong Education Plan (ILEP) for PDDs were presented as the contents of this study. In this study, employability for PDDs was conceptualized as a basis and context that should be comprehensively linked to housing and daily life, social life, self-determination, and self-management in terms of the life cycle for the overall completion and generalization of independent life in adulthood, rather than functionally including procedures for hiring or accessing businesses. As a result of the study, based on the cultural perspective of customized employment that reflects the functional concept of employability- linked independent life for PDDs, it was suggested that the support center and lifelong education center must be accompanied by detailed strategies at the organizational, curriculum, and professional qualifications in order to operate ISP and ILEP integrated in terms of collaboration between institutions. Finally, it was discussed that this study culturally implies the need for improvement and restructuring of current customized employment services based on the longitudinal and transverse cycle system between ISP, ILEP, and IESP, which are systems in the fields of welfare, education, and employment, through the practices of 'life cycle', 'employment possibility', and 'independent life' for PDDs.
Key Words
발달장애인, 생애주기 기반 맞춤고용 문화, 지원센터, 평생교육센터, 통합 연계 운영 방략, Person with Developmental Disability, Culture of Customized Employment Based on Life Cycle, Support Center, Lifelong Education Center, Integrated Linkage Operation