Print ISSN 2288-4289|Online ISSN 2671-6488


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가상현실을 활용한 음악치료가 지적장애인의 식사행동수정에 미치는 영향 The Effect of Music Therapy Applying Virtual Reality for the Intellectually Disables’ Eating Behavior Modification
발달지연 영유아 어머니의 양육경험과 지원욕구에 관한 연구 A Study on Parenting Experience and Needs for Support of Mothers who Care for Children with Developmental Delay
장애인복지관과 사설치료기관에서 치료사 및 특수교사의 협력교수 실행 경험 Implementation Experiences of Co-Teaching Between Therapists and Special Education Teachers at Welfare Centers for the Disabled and Private Therapy Centers
학교 환경에서 특수교육대상 작업치료 평가도구 사용동향 Trends in The Use of Occupational Therapy Evaluation Tools for Special Education Students in School Environment