Print ISSN 2288-4289|Online ISSN 2671-6488


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다중지능 특성에 따른 뇌성마비 학생의 교육적 유형 분석 An Analysis of Types of Students with Cerebral palsy Around their Multi-intellectual Character: Application of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
차별 용어에 대한 비판적 검토 -직업ㆍ교육ㆍ질환ㆍ장애 관련 차별 용어를 중심으로- Critical Review on Discriminatory Terms - Focused on Discriminatory Terms Related to Job, Education, Disease, and Disability -
초등학교 통합학급 교사를 위한 통합교육 지원 컨설팅에 대한 실행연구 The Action Research of the Consulting for the Inclusive Education Support of general education teachers in Elementary School
통합교육에 대한 예비 일반 초 중등교사들의 태도 Elementary and Secondary School Student Teachers' Attitudes toward Inclusive Education
특수학교의 학교기업형 직업훈련실 운영실태 및 개선방안 연구 Case Study on the Operational Status and Improvement of the School-based Enterprise Vocational Training Room